Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"No matter what, I will get her. So, you might as well do what you have to do now before you miss your chance again."

He was grinding his teeth having a for sure feeling that it would be Anna responsible for having taken Mara. She was more cunning, and more of a challenge to fight. He had his chance to get rid of her, but because of his stupid moralities of not harming a woman... Mara was in danger.

Ben sighed heavily, looking at Nathan. "Nate...? What do you think...?"

Nathan frowned at the road and nodded, "Yeah." He sighed through his nose, narrowing his eyes, "Yeah, and I bet my bottom dollar that was Anna." Glancing in the rear view mirror at Mara's father, Nathan questioned, "Do you know where we can find Travosky?"

Mr. Hallden took a moment to think.

He frowned in concentration and scratched his brow with his thumb. After a few minutes, his head snapped up, exclaiming, "I know where he is!" Ben turned around and ordered Adam to write down everything Hallden knew about Travosky. Then he returned to look at Nathan, placing a hand on the younger's forearm.

"Keep calm, son."

Nathan's jaw set tight again and Ben repeated his phrase again in order for the driver to focus on the job, and not his overwhelming feelings.

"Keep calm, Nate. We are going to get her back."


Mara's arms were shaking as she was struggling to pick herself up from the floor. Her body was in pain and she was sure that she was black and blue all over. It hurt to lift herself, and she gasped a sob at the searing pain running down her sides.

She lifted her head, too weak to give the dark haired woman a dirty look that she deserved. And instead was trying to keep a straight face that was intended to prove that she may be hurt, but she wouldn't give Anna the satisfaction she wanted to showing just how much.

If Nathan taught Mara anything, it was to not show weakness. Thinking about him all of a sudden, made Mara's body collapse back to the floor and she curled her fists, resting her forehead on one of them. She bit her lip hard, shocked that she hadn't passed out from this pain.

"Poor Heiress..."

Mara closed her eyes tightly, hearing Anna's silky voice echo towards her ears.

Anna raised a perfect brow and leaned her head forward, "Let this be a warning to you. Your boyfriend isn't here to protect you anymore. And when your daddy finally gets the picture of how serious we are about our money, and dislike of being screwed over... he's is going to find his little princess in a ditch somewhere."

Hearing this only flustered Mara more. She shook her head and lifted it to look up at Anna. The gray eyed woman tilted her head and the corner of her mouth curled into a sly grin. The woman on the floor whimpered, shutting her eyes to gather her strength before she narrowed her eyes up at Anna to hoarsely sneer, "Fuck you!"

Anna raised her brows in surprise, straightening again.

She chuckled a laugh, throwing her head back and resting her hand on her large bosom. She leaned forward, smiling widely, "Oo. We certainly learned a few things from being around a few men, haven't we?"

She cackled, turning her head to the side and grinned in a teasing manner. "What else did you learn, Heiress? Did that fine piece of man show you a good time in bed, too? I bet he did. Hell, I would love to have him for a night. I could show him a real good time."

Mara's blue eyes flashed a glare, giving her enough strength to reach for some dirt underneath her and unsuccessfully throw it at Anna. It barely travelled a few feet in front of the woman standing.

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