“In that case “Cait said , pursing her lips , “Maybe you shouldn't go .”

I sighed . “Fine . I guess I'll just have to hang out here , then .”

Cait laughed. “Yep . I guess you will .”

I rolled my eyes . “That's the part where you say no Hazel , of course it doesn't matter you don't have a cell phone . Go ahead into town anyway .

“I'd never say that .” She replied blandly .

“No beating around the bush with you , is there ?” Tashie muttered .

I laughed . “You know , I never actually understood that expression .”

“Huh . Me neither .”

After a while , everyone left to go to school . I was left at the home , but I didn't really mind . I flipped on the T.V. and began channel surfing .

I couldn't help but laugh when a music channel came up , and All Time Low were playing . I was pretty sure I'd seen this video before , it was the one for Dear Maria (Count Me In) .

“I wonder if they're coming today too “ I said , voicing my thoughts .

I checked the time . It was past eleven already . “Where the heck is Cait ?” I asked myself . “School isn't that far away .”

As if on queue , Cait hurried in the front door . “Hi Hazel” She mumbled . “I'm sorry it took me so long . I had to stop for shopping .”

“I thought you said you couldn't take me to town “ I replied dryly , grabbing a shopping bag in each hand and walking into the kitchen .

Cait laughed shakily .

“Tired ?” I asked . She nodded .

“Willy kept me up all night . Nightmares . Poor little thing .”

“You need sleep too “ I argued . She shrugged .

“But it's my job to look after him . Look after all of you . When I took this job , I admit that I didn't realize what I'd be giving up , but I still wouldn't change any of it .”

“You really mean that , don't you ?” I said , looking at her . Cait did look tired . She was pale , with huge bags under her eyes . Her lips were chapped and wrinkled , and her gaze wavered in a way that made me wonder if she was really there at all .

But that was the thing with Cait . Right now , she looked as frail as an old woman , but whenever you saw her with a child , with any of us , her face lit up with happiness . It radiated from her , like that one glow stick which keeps glowing during the night and forbids you from getting any sleep . Only , Cait wasn't annoying . Her enthusiastic aura was comforting .

She nodded . “I love my job . More than anything.”

John arrived before noon . “I figured if I came early , I might be able to sneak in a cup of tea” He explained , winking at me .

Cait gave him a light whack on the back of the head , but set about making one .

“Tea , Hazel ?” She asked , but I shook my head .

“No thanks .”

“Today , we're going to talk a little about what's going to happen in the next couple of days “ John explained , sipping his tea . “And you'll meet the other kids who are getting adopted too .”

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