chapter 9

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I woke up in Jack's arms I tried to get up but I couldn't his grip was too tight so I stayed in bed I fell asleep. when I woke up I felt someone staring at me I turned around and jack was looking at me.

"good morning" he said in his morning sexy husky voice.


I got up and went into the wash room did my business and washed my face and brushed my teeth then came out. jack was still in bed he was on his phone he looked up and said

"how about we stay at home and chill, Netflix and chill"

"okay" I went downstairs I made breakfast I ate mine and went and sat on the couch jack came downstairs.

"your breakfast is in the kitchen." I told him

he went in the kitchen. I was on my phone and he came in the living room, he took my phone off me.

"ooooooh who is..... oh why are you talking to jack for." he said while looking at my phone.

"i ain't talking to you I am talking to Johnson." I said

"same thing."

"no it isn't now give me my phone."

"NO" he said

he put his hand in the air, now me being 5'6 and him 6' I couldn't reach his arm plus he has really long arms. I went onto the couch and jumped, jack turned to face me he put his hand down and put my phone into his boxers.

"Great." I sarcastically said.

"i know babe."

"jaaaaaaaaaaack give it back. oh wait because we are on the subject of you taking my stuff how about you give me my purse back too."

"fine but you have to get your phone yourself, and if you get it you get your purse."

"Aghhhhh jack you are so impossible."

"i know babe. just so you know I am great in bed." he smirked

I gave him a look. I purposely dropped something. when i went to pick it up i pulled jacks basket ball shorts down and my phone fell. don't worry he had his boxers on.

"YASSSSSSS now give me my purse."

jack went to get my purse. I saw his phone on the couch I picked it up and put it in my bra since I had no pockets. he came in with my purse he gave it to my and I hugged it. jack just looked at me.

"what this is my baby." i said

"what about me?" he asked

"oh you are my side chick."

he put a pout on his face. I opened my purse and then my wallet and my cards were gone. you see I don't carry around cash because I loose it.



I pretended to get angry i went to the door and went outside i started to walk then i regretted it because i was in shorts. I walked to the park i took jacks phone out because it kept on going off. an dhe had messages from someone called 'baby.' the messages said

hey jacky whats up

i am going to be coming over today so get that slut ot of your house

i unlocked his phone and saw all the messages.

J- hey babe come over today

B- yh i will

J- i am gonna fuck you so hard.

tears were in my eyes how could jack cheat on me i got up and walked to the house i walked in and saw something that i could never forgive him for......


ooooooh shame a cliff hanger. you are just going to have to wait till tomorrow.

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