Chapter 2

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Does anyone want to enter the contest? Cause if not then im going to have to try and make one, and that takes up alot of my time that i don't have a lot of. And can i have actual feed back not just 'update soon'. if i get those request/ comments, then ill update slower, and we all remember last time i did slow updates, a whole year waiting for an answer, so please can i get actual feed back, or like comment what you think will happen, like a conspiracy.

Guys seriously can you do that for me, im take time out of my class time to type these updates fro you so i'd like to have just these tiny things.

thanks for reading, now one with the story.


It been hours and no one has heard from Lexi. Jasper is starting to get worried.

Jasper has been pacing in the living room for the past half hour. He wanted to go out and look for her, but everyone just kept telling him she'll be back soon.

They'd be lying if they said they weren't worried. Alice, Edward, an Bella weren't home, but Rosalie was really close to calling them in the next ten min.

After Ten minutes, Rosalie started to pace, and Esme was really worried. "That's it, I'm going out to find her." Jasper says, walking towards the door.

"Jasper, just give it more time." Carlisle tries to reason with Jasper.

"I have given it more than enough time!" Jasper says very harshly, his southern accent very think and very present.

"Jasper, just calm down." Rosalie tells him, trying to stop the hostility before it starts.

it didn't work.

Jasper speeds his way towards Rosalie, pushes her against a wall. "Don't tell me to calm down." He says to her in a very threatening voice.

"Jasper! That's enough." Emmett yells towards Jasper.

Jasper lets go of Rosalie, slowly taking steps away from her.

The door is slammed open from the front door and Alice appears in the room, "Is Lexi here? Please tell me Lexi is here!" Alice says quickly.

Bella and Edward appear right behind her. Alice looks at everyone, No one says a word. Jasper is looking at the ground, back to Alice, and hands in fists.

"Please, tell me she's here." Alice says, wide eyed.

"Alice..." Esme says softly, trying to ease her.

"A-alice... Lexi hasn't been here for hours.. We don't know where she is.." Rosalie explains, stuttering out of sadness, not believing the words that came out of her mouth.

"No... No no no no no.... Please tell me you're joking..." Alice says.. looking at everyone in desperation.

"When was the last time you heard from her?" Bella asks, in slight shock at what she's hearing.

"A couple hours ago, she went for a walk alone in the woods, and hasn't been back." Emmett explains, as he comforts Rosalie, by rubbing her back.

"Has anyone went out to look for her?!" Bella asks, a tiny bit of anger bubbling up in her.

"I was going to but some people keep stopping me." Jasper says, glaring at everyone else.

"What are we waiting for! We have to go out there and find her!" Bella tells everyone.

Jasper, Alice, and Edward nod in agreement.

Before anyone else could say anything, all four of them were already out of the house, looking the forest for Lexi.


oooooo! what do you think has happened to Lexi? comment your conspiracies!




lots of luv ~snowflake

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