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"He... he lunged for the knife and stabbed Brock in a fit of anger for revenge. Apparently, the blow was so hard that even Brock's big body couldn't take it," Kael finished.

"What the-?!" I was in shock and disbelief.

"Never thought our Alexander would ever do that..." Damon trailed off and stared at his shoes.


"Uhh... this is a verbal conversation, Zac."

I shrugged. "Whatever."

After a few moments of awkwardness hovering around in the air, I spoke up. "So what now?"

Damon didn't reply. He had his eyes focused on the scene and so I turned to scan the area once again.

Lionel was lying on the stretcher clutching his stomach. By his side was an anxious Alex looking over at shouting at him to stay strong, all while being handcuffed by a police.

On the opposite of Alex stood Dal and Kris.

They weren't saying anything. I leaned over to see Dal's face - yeah man, it's a really beautiful face - just that it looked more crestfallen and tear-streaked than I had ever saw.

On my left, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"We all really need a break," Kael sighed. "Alex's family are on their way. They're flying in from Canada. Went on a short business trip."

I nodded and Damon, Kael and I left the scene without another word.


No... I really still cannot believe it. Cannot. I'm not one to stab a person! No...

You all believe me right? It was an accident really! I did it in fit of anger!

Even days after the traumatizing incident, I was still in shock and utter disbelief.

I've locked myself in the room ever since I got home from that day, and never once have I left.

Doing my business in bottles seemed like the norm for me. Food became an extra, and my throat was terribly sore from the lack of water I had. Yes, I still do drink.

Not my own biological waste-water, mind you! It's the water from a small flask that I sneak out to refill every night.

Even though I'm alone in my room and I've shut out all forms of possible noise, I still feel like it's a noisy, chaotic scene.

I know it's all in my head but there's nothing I can do to shut it up.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed. I was going to turn it off when I glanced at the message that someone sent.

Text from Alexa

Al, you can't hide forever. The police have come. They want to investigate the incident. Cooperate with them, please. They are the ones who can help you!

I teared up a little at the thought of the police, then the lawyers, then the court case, then the judgement, and finally the punishment!

This wasn't happening... No... it isn't! I'm too young to go to jail!

Oh yeah. You might be wondering why I still have my phone on. I guess it's because I still use it to watch shows online and stuff. It's a way to get this incident out of my mind. Also, I've been trying to do some work and be productive but I still end up thinking of... Brock...

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