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After a night's rest, I got up early in the morning. I've decided to stop worrying about Zachary and Francesca and start focusing on my own life.

Besides, Kael and Damon are coming to school today! I'm think I'll wear something inviting.

How does a pink and white striped sweater and light blue jeans tights sound?

I got changed and went to get breakfast.

"...so I think it's great that you and the boys talk to Dal."

"I agree," Dad's clear voice rang throughout the room. Oh dang, mum must have told him.

"Thank you for understanding!"

That's Kristen's voice. What is she doing here? I walked down the stairs to see what was going on.

"Mornin', Dal!"

I got startled. "Woah, uh. Hey! Morning!"

Kristen ran to my side and gave me a warm, comfy hug. Her sweaters always felt so soft and nice to lean on. "You've been through a lot. We can talk on the way to school."

I smiled, wanting to break down so badly. But I had to keep it in. "Thank you, Kris."

She answered by hugging me even tighter.

"Skipping breakfast?" dad asked.

I nodded. "Not feeling good enough to eat."

"That's okay. Pack an apple, though. You can eat it before school starts if you're feeling up for it."

Kristen grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl for me and grabbed my school bag that was lying

on the sofa. "We'll take our leave now. Breakfast was great, thank you aunty! I think you should wake Lilith up now," she said with a wink.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot!" mum said and rushed upstairs.

Dad smiled and waved at the both of us as we dashed out the door.


"You know you can talk about it anytime you want to, right?" Kristen whispered as she stopped at a traffic light.

"Yeah," I merely said.

She nodded and we stayed in silence for a while. But only long enough before I started to break down.

"Kristen... I-I don't know what to do..." my voice trailed off weakly.


Instead of replying, I continued to cry.

"Dalanie. Listen."

Kris continued only after I finally dried my tears. "Right now you have two choices. Move on, or stay in your misery. Which are you going to choose? Zachary made his choice, and you ought to too."

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve [✔]Where stories live. Discover now