Why didn't I deny him being my boyfriend! That guy was cute! Warren is going to think I'm some creepy stalker now, for god's sake.

I flipped my feet and giggled when the seats begin to raise. I can feel my heart beat quicken.

My stomach flips as they drop us slightly, then we raise more... Straight to the top.

I look to my side and see Warren looking petrified, maybe this was a mistake.

"It's not too bad Warren, it's just the anticipation! Sing with me, it'll help." I begin to sing the starting tune to eye of the tiger with a  'bum' sound repeated. Warren slowly joins in, getting louder and smoother.

"It's the, eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight,
Rising up-" we bellow, sounding like dying cats, several other people on the ride join in.

"-to the challenge of our rival,
And the last know survivo-" all the people on the ride are cut off when we plummet to the Earth. I feel at though my stomach has gone into my throat and I want to scrunch into a little ball but I can't.

As we halt abruptly, my stomach dislodges itself from my throat and instead drops and falls out of my ass. But I kind of love it.

The shoulder pads raise in sync and we all jump out of the ride. I look towards Warren expecting to see him throwing up or crying, but instead I see him beaming at me and fist pumping.
"That was awesome! Let's do that again!" He shouts over the noise of other people.

I laugh and smile at him fondly. A warm fuzzy feeling settles over my chest as I look at Warren. What the hell? He's a dïck, Bea! He'd drop you before you could blink... But then again, maybe he wouldn't.

He eventually calms down and we make our way towards a food cart, we're laughing but a serious expression falls across Warren's face and before I know it, he has dragged me behind a small building.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.
"Um- I just- wanted to- um" he stutters and he looks around the corner of the building, suddenly not relaxed and comfortable as he was before, but skittish and on edge.

I follow his gaze and look around the corner of the building. My heart falls to the floor as I see all of Warren's friends and their girl friends. They all look stunning like gods and goddesses. You stupid girl, Bea.

He looks at me worriedly but it's too late, I have already made my decision. I started to walk away, I felt tears rise and they were blurring my vision but I did not stop. You're such a fool, he never promised you anything. He was just being nice.

From behind me Warren abruptly grabs my upper arm and swings me towards him roughly so I'm flushed on his chest. He hurts me and being handled this roughly brings back bad memories but I don't want his pity, I'm angry.

"Don't worry Warren, if I had friends like that, I would be embarrassed of me too," I spit venomously, I then tug myself away and set off in a sprint, and I know, this time, he won't catch up with me.


My eyes are aching. I have been trying so hard to hold the tears back but now they feel like they are begging to be released.

I'm at home at the moment watching shitty TV programs with my Mom, my head is on her lap and she's stroking my hair tentatively. She didn't know what was wrong but she cancelled her late shift when she saw my puffy eyes and flushed face.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Mom gets up after removing my head gently from her lap and resting it on a cushion.

"I ordered something for you," she says.
"Pizza???" I say groggily but with a tinge of excitement.
"Nope. But I got the next best thing."

She swings the door open and in steps the tall, lanky figure of half of my best friends. I take a deep sigh when seeing my best friend has made it all the harder to suppress my feelings.

My mum heads upstairs and Ollie sits down beside me on the couch, pulling me onto his lap  bridal style. I start to breathe heavily and those heavy breaths turn into sobs.

Ollie sits with me through the evening, not asking anything, just cuddling me and laughing at the crappy sitcoms that we watch on TV.

Then the doorbell rings a couple of hours later; why has my house suddenly become the main attraction of this town?!

I look at Ollie pleadingly and he jumps up to get the door. When he opens it I see Ollie's brows furrowing so I sit up from my position to look at the door.

"Where's Bea?" A jittery, deep voice emanates from the door.
"Ummmm, sorry dude, I don't think she wants to see anyone right now," Ollie mumbles, thank God, he always says the right thing.

I see Ollie's tall form being swept firmly to the side and my eyes widen as I see Warren stride into my house and look around my house worriedly. Once his eyes lock with mine, his shoulders visibly sag but he proceeds to stride over to me with purpose.

I'm still sitting on the couch so he kneels down in front of me so his chest is flushed against my lower legs. He then grasps my shoulders with both hands and holds my gaze intensely.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I have been so worried! You have a psychopathic ex boyfriend who wants you back and you just left, running through the wilderness!" I have no idea how to respond so I remain silent, staring back at him. His breaths are heavy and rapid and its stirring my coarse hair.

Warren averts his eyes from my face and looks to the floor, and when he looks up again his eyes hold nothing but relief. He moves his hand up to my face as if to put a strand of hair behind my ear, but instead I seize his wrist firmly in my hand in one rapid motion.

"No, Warren. Now you know I'm fine. Get out."


Hey Guys!
I got my GCSE results back today and I'm pretty happy with the results! Whooooo! I hope that anyone who is in the same boat as me is happy too!

Thanks for all of the devotion to my shitty book! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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