Who Took My Cookie?

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Hello everyone so This is just a filler episode and I was thinking some good bonding would do some good now that Danny can see. I hope you like this chapter.

Also I'm gonna try to give a chapter a week so let's cross our fingers ^(^_^)^

Chapter 13 Who took my cookie?

It had been a few days since the incident with Dan had ended. But Danny was still out cold, He had ended up with a lot more damage then he would have liked. Robin sat next to the bed with a sigh "Come on Danny wake up already...." He muttered softly leaning on his hand.

Danny snuggled up into the blanket when Robin slapped him with a large pillow "WAKE UP MAN I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU!" He shouted into his ear causing him to shoot up and sling his arm out in a defensive manner just barely stopping before it connected to Robins face.

Robin jumped back and raised his arms and caught the fist in a flash. He was shaking slightly from the surprise movement but was ok. "I'm sorry but it's been three days..."

Danny hadn't completely registered what he had said."Huh? W-where?" After a moment of looking around he realized he was back at their home base. "D-did we win?" He asked groggily as he stared at Dick realizing now he had been past out for a long time. "How long was I asleep?

Robin sighed softly and repeated himself, "You've been asleep for three days and yes we did win thanks to you." He smiled softly rubbing Danny's back. "I don't suppose you want something to eat?" He grinned knowing how to cook thanks to Alfred teaching him. He was rather proud of being able to make several simple and exotic dishes. "I can make almost anything for you."

Danny blinked a few times before nodding. "Ok I could eat a little I'm not all that hungry though...Actually I wanna get a look at this base I've never seen it before now. It's amazing." He stated softly and chimed, "Where is everyone?" He asked softly looking around before looking at Dick memorizing his hair and outfit in great Dick answered.

Robin sighed and looked around the small kitchen then into the living room where Danny was staring at him. "I think there in the training room but I'm not sure. Um do you want me to show you around again?" He asked knowing now that he could see he would need another tour.

Danny nodded and slowly stood waking every muscle that had fallen asleep in the three days. He realized quickly that he was in someone else's clothes or maybe his own that batman bought for him he wasn't sure. "You ready to go?"

Robin smiled and started to walk down a corridor after he snagged the last cookie from megan's cookie jar. He passed half of it to danny the tannish brown cookie slightly crumbled in his hands as Robin chirped, "It's a little overcooked but Megan's still learning. " He chimed softly as the echos of the training in progress ran through the halls. Danny could hear canary and kid flash's voices the loudest before entering the room. Danny and Robin had finished the cookie before entering the training hall they both knew eating in there wasn't acceptable.

Robin and danny sat down and smiled as Megan and superboy went at each other with such ferocity he wasn't sure who would win.

After a few sparring rounds of megan and superboy getting tossed around they finally took a break to see Danny and make sure he was ok giving him the chance to find out what everyone really looked like. Kid flash smiled, "Dude you had us so worried I mean really you just passed out after the whole thing it was really frightening." He stated with a large smile as he leaned on Robin's shoulder.

Danny was in awe by the sight of the group. He looked each over then his eyes landed on Megan and stated a little loud. "Your green!" He didn't mean it to be rude he just didn't expect it.

Megan immediately backed away. "Ya I am...Why?" She was a little on edge until he smiled and said that was really cool. She blushed and smiled back, "Yeah I think so too."

Danny let his eyes wander again. "So this is the whole team?" He asked counting them so excited to see his saviors at last. He then looked at Robin and chimed, "I want to see everything here and at your house." Dick nodded and was about to say something when Kid Flash yelled out loud, "WHO TOOK MY COOKIE!"

Hey guy's luffy here sorry it took me so long, i hope you enjoy this chapter I will try to be little faster with it in the future. It's just been hard lately trying to get another job so it may take some time but i'll get another chapter written quickly as i can. ^_^ 

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