New Power?

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Hello this is Husky and I am here with a new chapter my co-writer Luffy wrote the other chapter so yay. He is awesome anyways next chapter.

Chapter 6 New Power?

After Danny was done with his shower, he got out and got dressed. When Danny found the door he opened it only for a cool breeze to flow in. He shivered, that was the only thing he could do right now thinking about his family and friends. He remembered how they used to seat by an open fire and drink hot chocolate it was nearing winter. Danny then remembered he should probably go see Dick to tell him he is done, or he could just yell his name. "DICK!" Danny yelled. Dick comes running in looking around frantically only to see Danny smirking, "Danny what's wrong?" Dick questioned. "Oh nothing just thought you liked to know I am done." Danny said smirk never leaving his face.

"Geez I wish I could have seen your face, I bet it was hilarious," He laughed softly when Dick smiled back, "Danny you shouldn't howl like that I was really worried if your bored you can come watch a movie with me after we tell Bruce and you go meet the justice league." Danny smile widened slightly, "So I'll get to officially meet everyone who saved me?" He asked with a slight twist in his voice, he was scared but he knew he needed to thank his saviors properly. "When can I meet them?" He asked softer feeling his body get heavy for just a moment when he relaxed. "He collapsed just after he locked up his legs. He slammed into the ground with a loud thud, "Ow that hurt, I guess I was a little to tense." He chuckled slowly moving to stand again.

Dick grinned and helped him up, "It's all good I know it's been a long few days, but you don't want the league see you so weak right?" "Right." Danny replied, "Maybe you could help me." Danny said slyly. "Maybe." Dick said and helped Danny down stairs to where Bruce was waiting for them both. "Dick, Danny great you're back. Come follow me." Bruce said leading Dick and Danny to the grandfather clock. When they arrived in the Batcave Bruce and Dick went to suit up. While Danny tried to go ghost key word:tried, Danny screamed and Bruce and Dick went over to him. "Danny what's wrong?" Dick asked, "I...can't...change...into...ghost...form." Danny said in between breaths. "What do you mean you can't change!" Dick exclaimed. "When I try it gives me an electric shock." Danny said finally catching his breath. "Is that normal?" Dick questioned Danny. "No it's not and the thing is I have an ice core I am suppose to feel cold not electricity." Danny explained to Bruce and Dick. "That is really weird." Dick said, "Yes it is Dick do you know why it is doing that Danny." Bruce asked. "No I don't unless I am getting another power but that doesn't make sense I can only have one element." Danny said.

Suddenly there was clock hands going clockwise and then a blue portal open. "That is where you are wrong young Daniel." said a mysterious voice coming from it. "Clockwork is that you?" Danny asked. "Yes Daniel it is." when the person who said this stepped out of the portal Bruce and Dick were shocked, out stepped a middle aged apparently ghost he had blue skin, red eyes, a scar over one eye, and a grandfather clock in his chest. Danny smiled, "Clockwork I can't believe it It's been so long." He chimed then cocked his head. "Wait what do you mean I'm wrong I was told that by the frost giants." He stated almost sure he was right. "That may be but you are a special case." Clockwork said, "What do you mean I'm a special case?" Danny asked confused. "I mean you have what we ghost call a neutral core meaning half of your core is ice and the other half is electricity." Clockwork explained. "But if you ghosts call it a neutral core then that must mean others have one to right." Danny asked already getting a big headache. "Well yes but it is very very rare. It's even more rare to have a half ice half electricity core." Clockwork said. "Oh okay um Clockwork will I ever get my vision back?" Danny asked hoping the answer would be yes. "Yes Danny you will get your vision back when you need it the most." Clockwork said as cryptic as ever. "Ugh do you always have to be so cryptic." Danny said annoyed. (Hey that's what I said XD). "Of course I do Daniel I am the Master of Time." Clockwork reminded Danny. "Um I am so sorry to interrupt but I'm confused." Dick said causing Danny to jump because he forgot they were there. "I imagined you would be Richard. You see I am the Master of TIme you can call me Clockwork. I see all that was, is, and will be." Clockwork said as he turned into an infant, middle aged adult, and an old adult with a beard. "Oh and how are you doing that you know changing ages." Dick asked really curiously. "Oh you see I don't have a true age time moves forwards and backwards and why am I trying to explain this again." Clockwork said with a sigh and putting a hand on top of his forehead. "Anyways Clockwork are you telling me I have a new power." Danny asked after that little weird conversation. "Ah yes I am your new power is electricity so you can manipulate small lighting storms." Clockwork said. "Cool I am so excited to try it out." Danny said nearly jumping up and down. "I wouldn't unless you truly need to which you will." Clockwork said ruining Danny's good mood. "Aw come on Clockwork you just ruined it for me." Danny said pouting. "I'm sorry Daniel now if you excuse me I have to go back to my Clocktower to watch the futures and stuff bye Daniel, Richard, and Bruce." with that Clockwork turned his time staff around and left in a blue light.

A/N: Well this feels like a good time to end this chapter I hope you like it by the way me and Luffy  will update like every Sunday

P.S.: This story is also written on fanfiction so I update on that one first and I keep forgetting to update on this so you get two new chapters yay.

-Husky out

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