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Chapter 10: Sparring

The young justice team were in mount justice just hanging out when Robin and Danny walk in.

"Hey Robin. Hey Danny." Megan greeted them.

"Hey Megan." They said at the same time.

"So what are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"Well we have the day off because Batman wants Danny to get used to you." Robin explained.

"Oh okay well what do you want to do?" Megan asked Danny.

"I don't know there isn't much I can do with me being blind and all." Danny said.

"Maybe we should spar just for fun." Kaldur said coming up behind Megan.

"Maybe I could try and see if I can fight so I don't screw up when we have a mission." Danny said.

"Okay who wants to spar with Danny first?" Kaldur asked.

"I will." Wally said.

"Okay get to the sparring area then." Robin said. Wally and Danny walk to the sparring area and get into fighting stances.

"Ready.Set.Spar!" Kaldur yelled and Wally attacked first. Wally tried to run Danny over but Danny just turned intangible.

"Woah!" Wally yelled out as he accidently run into the wall and fell down.

"Kid Flash: Fail." said an automated female voice.

"What? Did I really just lost to a blind kid." Wally complained.

"Apparently so." Robin said snickering behind a camera he got out when no one was noticing.

"How?" Wally asked Danny.

"You don't step very lightly. I could hear you a mile away." Danny said.

"But I was being soooo quiet." Wally whined like a little kid.

"Hey it's not my fault I have super hearing." Danny said raising his hands up.

"Wow Wally this is a new low for you." Artemis said trying but failing to hold back her laughter.

"Oh shut up." Wally grumbled.

"Okay anyone else wants to spar with Danny." Kaldur asked trying to prevent a fight between Wally and Artemis.

"Oh I will." Robin said while smirking even though Danny can't see it. He handed the video camera to Wally then stepped on the platform.

"No powers." Kaldur said and both of them nodded. "Ready.Set.Spar!" After Kaldur said that they both begin to circle each other.

"I'll go easy on you Danny." Robin said.

"Don't I may be blind but that doesn't mean I can't fight." Danny said with confidence. Robin attacked first he threw a punch at Danny but Danny easily dodged it.

"Woah." everyone else said shocked that Danny dodged. Robin wasn't having any of it so he did an undersweep kick but Danny surprised them again by doing a backflip easily avoiding it. Robin now mad that he couldn't get one hit on Danny started throwing punches and kicks over and over again but Danny just kept dodging. Until finally Robin was so tired that all Danny had to do was poke Robin in the forehead and he was down on the ground.

"Robin:Fail." The female voice said.

"Well done Danny using your opponent's emotion against them by getting him angry then letting him tire himself out very impressive." Black Canary said walking in with Batman after watching the whole entire thing.

"Robin how many times do I tell you don't get angry just because your opponent keeps dodging." Batman deadpanned.

"Many different times." Robin sighed.

"Hey Robin it's okay I'm just used to dodging plus I have super hearing and reflexes I can tell when something is coming after me." Danny said but suddenly caught something in his hands that was thrown at him in Batman's general direction. "What is this?" Danny asked.

"A cloak for you to wear when you are Phantom." Batman said.

"Oh cool thanks." Danny said while putting it on.

"Dude how did you catch that I didn't even see it coming?" Wally asked.

"Like I said reflexes they help me that's the reason I defeated you and Robin." Danny reminded him.

"Oh cool." Wally said while everyone else but Danny and Batman rolled their eyes but smiled fondly.

Danny felt along the cloak's edge slowly. "So why? I'm not going on mission's yet am I?" His voice sounding excited with a linger of pride from defeating two of the members. He was rather happy that his reflexes didn't weaken from the time he was locked up. He knew he would be rusty but even rusty he was good.

Batman smiled lightly something he didn't do often. "Danny take your time to heal the cloak is to protect your identity because now those GIW and the government will be looking for you at least for now."

Danny smiled and nodded abruptly. "Well I guess we should take a break. Then I'm gonna take on Kaldur." He grinned though not really sure of himself seeing as he didn't know his fighting at all. He was just getting hungry though.

Robin smiled and went over to Danny, "Ya ok I think that was enough for now I'm pretty tired of getting beat by a blind kid." He playfully chimed.

Danny punched his arm, "At least I can fight you flightless sidekick." He chimed softly a smile on his face as they joked.

Robin smiled and punched him back. "You know I can't help that."

Danny grinned, "I know and I can't help being blind."

Robin sighed, "Fair enough let's get lunch." He huffed and walked to the kitchen.

Danny was following when everything around him froze. He pivoted his head. "Hello why did everyone stop talking?"

"Hello Danny." Came a voice out of the silence.

Hey everyone it's Luffy, *Bangs head on floor Bowing* I want to profusely apologize to everyone I had something's come up and it was a lot to handle so I dropped this for awhile. *Waves hands protectively over face* But before you grab your pitchforks and torches I want you to know I will be writing the next chapter and it will be a bit long and exciting so please have patients the next chapter will be up within the next week I promise. *Smiles and vanishes to write next chapter*

A/N: Husky again me and Luffy are obviously talking again so don't forget I told you about my new story Barton has a Twin? it's an Avengers and MLP crossover so yea

-Husky out

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