The Doctor

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Hey guys this is luffy I know most of you are like why haven't there been more chapters coming in or WHY LUFFY WHY YOU CAN'T KEEP UP but let me assure you I am keeping up with this I just couldn't write for awhile after a lot of family issues I couldn't help. But now I'm settled again and I promise I will start writing again.

Chapter 9 The Doctor

Danny sighed softly staring out what he thought to be the window in his room. It was raining and he could hear the pitter patter of the drops on the window it had been a few weeks since he was saved and he was told he still need a little more rest. Bruce was going to take him to the doctor he needed to get a check up today he didn't have a choice. Bruce was insisting he see one and so he said he set one up sworn to secrecy. "Danny, Danny are you listening?" Danny shrugged briefly and sighed. "Yes Dick I am...I'm just not thrilled with the idea...I haven't seen a real doctor in several years..." He muttered shifting slightly looking down. "Not since I became a halfa I think..." He muttered softly and shifting again. "Geez Danny you can't just go easy can you?" Stated Dick questioningly.

Danny smiled, "Of course not I couldn't do that. If I made it easy then I couldn't have any fun with it..." He sighed again though and laid his head down on his hands. "I'm just worried about how me being a halfa changed my human body. I mean I know that my temperature is lower than a normal human and my heartbeat is slower but what about my DNA how has it change and what if this Doctor I don't know tells people what I am..." Danny kept rambling on. "Danny calm down Dr.Fox is sworn to secrecy he won't tell anyone plus me and Bruce trust him." Dick said calmly. "But Dick how do I know..." Danny wanted to cry when Dick interrupted, "Look Danny This man has worked on me and Bruce as Batman he's the only one who knows and he wouldn't tell a soul I promise." Danny looked at him and nodded. "Ok Dick I'll go see him. But only because I need my sight." He muttered looking down. Dick smiled, "Good man now let's get you into the car."


It wasn't a long drive and when they reached Wayne's friend Dr. Fox's lab Danny was shown to a bed that felt squishy and soft but made a noise like it was covered in plastic."Hi Danny I'm Dr.Fox. Bruce told me that you are not able to see. I will flash a light in your eyes and tell me if you can see at all even just a blur that sound easy enough." Dr.Fox said with a kind voice. "Yes sir it does." Danny replied kindly. "Okay Danny can you see anything at all." Dr.Fox asked. "Um yes a little just a blur but that's it." Danny said nervously. "You were right Bruce he will get his vision back but it will progress slowly but don't worry my boy you will see again." Dr.Fox started talking to Bruce then ended talking to Danny.

Danny smiled pleased with the answer. "Do you know how long it will take?" He muttered softly feeling his heart threaten to leave his chest. He was so excited that he was gonna be able to see again. He grinned and looked in Bruce's direction. "Once it's back then I can go out with everyone on a real outing."

Bruce smiled softly, "Yep and you can enjoy it like everyone else too." He grinned before being pulled aside by Doctor Fox, "I'm going to prescribe him some eye drops that should help his eyes heal faster and I'm going to ask you bring him back in a month hopefully we will see substantial healing in his eyes.I also wanted to talk to you about some of those wounds he has."

Bruce paused for a moment and looked at Danny who was bragging to Dick. "What is it Fox?" He muttered trying to make it so Danny didn't hear. Fox let out a sigh before whispering, "There's a cut on his back it looks like there an infection under the healed wound..." He pointed to the mark on Danny's back. "I need to see if it's a danger to him but I don't want to ruin his good mood so I'm also going to prescribe anti infection and anti inflammatory drug to make it go away without him knowing."

Bruce nodded then sighed, "Is that all?" Fox smiled and nodded, "Yes Here you are, Now you should go those pills are gonna make him sleepy so I suggest he take them before bed." He chimed writing the prescriptions out and handing them to bruce. "Now have a good rest of the day Bruce."

Bruce smiled and nodded calling the teens over. He showed them to the car and they left picking up Danny's medicine and going home.

Danny went up to his room and sat down on his bed fingering the eye drops for a moment before putting them in his eyes He hissed as they stung a bit but he smiled and blinked away the pain he did it again with the other eye the same thing happened again but he just smiled. "Soon I'll be kicking butt and taking names again then I'm gonna use all my power to destroy the GIW or well maybe not them but there budget ya I'll get rid of them from there source. ONCE AND FOR ALL!" He hissed punching his fist into his palm he was so upset with them and himself still but he didn't want to worry Bruce or Dick so he decided to just lay down sleep.

I'm sorry it's been awhile I hope I made up for it here but my life's been a little harsh lately I'm going to do my best to finish my chapters in a timely manner though. *Bows* Please forgive me-Luffy

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