Mission Impossible

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Ok so as promised this chapter is longer than the other ones I'm throwing a lot of action and thrills into this one chapter I even went back to the series and watched ultimate enemy as a reference hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 11 Mission impossible

Danny looked around his head swiveling as he tried to hear. "C-clockwork is that you?" He asked softly, "What is it you don't usually show up unless it's something big, What happened?"

Clockwork was changing as he spoke, "You future self dan escaped from the thermos."

"Wh...what no he couldn't have." Danny said while having some flashbacks about Dan 'I still existed which means you still turn into me' Danny shivered at the thought. His head swirled now with images of what Dan could do to his new family and anger reared. "We have to stop him." He growled causing his hands to glow heavily with anger.

"He is looking for you Danny he won't rest until he has his revenge he found out about your family and now." Clockwork looked Danny up and down before finishing. "He wants to see who you're living with."

Danny shot his head up though it was mostly a motion. "What do you mean? He is gonna hunt me down and hurt everyone I care about?"

Clockwork was silent. "I think you need to warn your new friends, and find him before he finds you because he is already to destroy you but you are not." He stated rather bluntly.

Danny sighed and nodded, "I have no choice who knows maybe they can help me." He smiled slightly knowing that it was gonna be hard pressed since he was almost completely positive the YJ couldn't even stop him and was doomed. "Thank's clockwork for telling me you can send me back unless there's more?"

Clockwork thought a long moment then smiled, "Be careful my boy I have become rather fond of you."

Danny smiled and nodded, "I always try to be and well thanks for being there for me." He chimed softly just as everything went back to normal.

Robin smiled, "Danny don't just stand there come on we got sandwiches." He grinned and tugged the now upset boy along.

Once Danny got into the room and sat at the table he opened his mouth. "G-guys I need to tell everyone something..." He mumbled softly.

Everyone stopped and looked at him. "Are you alright?" Asked Kid Flash his eyes drifting from Danny to everyone else.

Danny took a deep breath and sighed, "Guys something bad has happened like the worst thing to come out of a thermos... My future self well he's free..".He muttered softly knowing he was being a bit vague he was scared no one would except him if they knew what he could become.

Robin sighed, "Danny you're being vague." He mumbled softly in his ear.

Danny shook his head and sighed, "Ok so I better start from the beginning then," he stated and went into an explanation. He started with his friends and how when he was in high school his first year when he got his powers all the way to how he fought himself because he got his hands on the CAT answer sheet and him have to save his family and friends the first time tears welling in his eyes as he went through the story in painful detail once he was done everything was silent.

Batman now stood behind him. "Well it looks like we have your first mission. You better go get ready." He chimed.

Wally whimpered, "Can't it wait till after lunch..."

Batman growled and pointed sending him away to get ready. A grumbling Wally sped off getting dressed.

-----Out on patrol----

"So how did you know about this anyway?" Asked Robin looking out of the front of Megan's ship. He was scanning for any signs of trouble Danny was flying along side intangible incase they were low enough to hit any buildings he was following the sound of the engine sticking close.

Danny spoke into the com. "Well my guardian of sorts Clockwork came to tell me." He stated.

Robin looked again panning right to left. "You mean that guy who just stands by most of the time and observes from his point of view and well your point of view and everyone's actually. He chuckled, "He's god at his job but hates people to see him."

"Oh" stated Robin softly seeing an explosion coming from the downtown end of gotham. "There Danny."

Danny and everyone rushed into action heading to the explosion. Danny froze in his tracks turning visible, He clamped his hands over his ears as a loud piercing siren sounded from the wreckage. Danny recognized it was the ghostly wail. "WATCH OUT!" He cried but it was too late. The ship was hit and they plummeted. Danny growled and listened for the ship once he honed in he dropped grabbing it and raising it up."Wow you should all lay off the chilly fries..." He growled through gritted teeth lifting it up and gently setting it on the ground. Just before he let go he was shot through a wall with an ecto blast.

"Hello Danny, what's wrong trying to be all goodie goodie again." He grinned using the wail.

Danny broke through several walls and broke quite a few windows. He growled and came back at him through the holes he made He aimed his ecto-energy strike a move that enhances his physical strength. His fists were glowing as he ran right through His evil self.

The evil Danny laughed then yawned, "Is that all you got Danny while I was stuck in a thermos you got worse. You know the lack of eye's you look better this way." He grinned catching Robins birdarang.

"What's this Danny?" He stared at it before feeling a small tickle of electricity run through his fingers and laughed, "Is this the best you got?" He laughed snapping it in half.

"Hardly!" Growled Kid Flash speeding past him and coming in full throttle only to get clothes lined in the chest. Coughing wildly he fell clutching his stomach and practically lost his lunch.

Kaldur pulled out his water bearers, using them like whips he lashed out at the evil phantom But he just went intangible and sucker punched kaldur through the chest.He was laughing heavily as he wailed on them one after another. Robin went in for a pretty close cut maneuver but received an ecto blast to the stomach. Robin flew quite aways away from the scene. He coughed heavily rubbing the extra crispy spot on his uniform thankful that Bruce made his suit extra padded. He sighed heavily and made a mental note not to get to close. "Danny help how do we defeat him?" Danny was thinking He had defeated him last time with his wail he thought about and shivered maybe he could do it again but he couldn't see he really needed his sight a direct hit was what he needed he needed that most of all. He trembled as he heard his evil counterpart coming towards him holding a struggling Superboy. There was a pretty arrogant grin on his face but Danny couldn't see it. He grinned as he watched a distraught and confused Danny trying to find him. He was trying to figure out what to do when he felt Superboy's heavy indestructible body make contact with his head. Danny flew head first into a far wall his head spinning as everything started to come into view, He paused shaking his head violently before looking around at first he was seeing thirds then doubles but soon everything was in focus. "I can see? I CAN SEE! GUYS I CAN SEE AGAIN!" He whooped before spinning a huge grin on his face and now. "DAN YOUR TIME IS UP!"

Ok so don't hate me but I'm stopping here for this chapter I really didn't think it was gonna be as long as I'm making it so I guess you'll have to wait to see what happens next. I hope you enjoy this chapter though. As a special treat for you wait though you get two chapters this week <(^_^)> Enjoy!

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