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Hello everyone i'm husky's new co writer i'll be helping her write her chapters to this story. You can call me luffy.

Chapter 5 Patience

Danny shifted slightly the nightmare that he was having seemed to be driving him insane. He woke up screaming, he couldn't register where he was he couldn't see nothing smelled or sounded even close to what he was used to. He was panicked feeling his heart threaten to leave his chest drove him up the walls he felt hot and cold at the same time fear driving him to stand up slowly. He felt the bed he was laid on petting the soft sheets slowly trying to place where he was. Grabbing his shoulder he felt the gauze that covered a wound and realized where he was. "I-I'm with that Bruce guy, W-why does my head hurt." He muttered reaching up to try to stop the throbbing only to realize the gauze on his head wrapping his eyes was changed and felt new. "They really are nice people..." He muttered softly then jolted when he heard someone approaching his room. He ran to the far corner when the door started opening he squished further into the corner fear running his thoughts again. "P-please Don't hurt me..." He whispered confused on wether or not he can trust the person who entered. He jolted when the person spoke. "Woah Danny calm down you're ok, You're safe," Dick tried to reach him patting him softly but all that did was cause Danny to cringe further into the corner.

Bruce walked in and sighed, "We were warned about this come on Dick lets get him some food and tea maybe it'll help calm him down." Bruce walked away to the kitchen with Alfred, a small frown on his face. "Do you think we can help him Alfred, I mean he-he reminds me of my childhood I also had a rough start. But look at this." He whispered pulling out some file's labeled Project DP, "These are his X-rays Dick grabbed them on his way out of there HQ. God forbid he be treated like the boy he is Alfred. They tortured him, They did so many awful things to him." Alfred took the paper's, "So all the scars on him and the mental torture they did it's all written down here in black and white." "Sir we could destroy the..." "No Alfred they work for the government there is no way I can oppose them even with my money." Bruce sighed, "But I will bring that boy some peace by not letting him get hurt anymore." Alfred smiled, "Sir you really are kind to kids." He then went to the kitchen and started to make some food and tea for everyone. Bruce went to go to the bat cave and sighed, "Alfred tell me when the food is done."

Back in Danny's room Dick was sitting about five feet away from Danny on the bed. "Come on Danny you should come out I promise none of us bite." He smiled trying to lighten the tense boy's mood but he was not feeling up to it. Danny whimpered softly only feeling the darkness, "W-what do you guys want with me if you're not gonna hurt me." Dick shifted slightly, and a low rumble erupted from his chest, "That's easy to help." He chimed softly then smiled when Danny answered. "R-really, I-i'm really safe here..." Dick smiled and nodded, "Ya come on, come out of the corner Alfred will be here soon with food." He smiled softly and pat the bed. "I know new places can be scary and I know you haven't had such a great couple years. But I want you to know that everyone in this house is just like you orphaned and alone since childhood. I lost my parents in an accident at a circus, and Bruce lost his to a mugger. So we are all similar in this house." Danny looked in his direction for a long moment as though the darkness around him was being pierced he could tell that Dick wasn't lying from his tone and somehow he knew he could trust them. But he didn't know if he wanted to yet.

Bruce was in the Bat Cave looking into things of the GIW when Alfred calls, "Sir the food is ready if you would like to join us." Bruce looks away from the Bat computer and sighs, "Okay Alfred I will be up there in a moment." "Very well sir." Alfred said. Bruce looks at the computer one more time then sighs and turns it off getting out of his chair. He goes up the elevator and out the old Grandfather clock and makes his way to the dining room. There he sees Alfred, Dick, and surprisingly Danny all at the table. "Oh Hi Bruce you're right on time." Dick said as happy as can be. "Um Hi Dick. Uhh how did you get Danny to come down here." Bruce asked slightly taken aback by the young man's enthusiasm. "Oh well you see..." Dick began to explain but Danny cut him off, "After Dicks words calmed me down I realized not trusting the one's who saved me was stupid. I wanted to apologize for my behavior I didn't want to trust you because of reasons in the past." Bruce and Dick seemed taken aback by the boy's sudden words. They both looked at each other sending the other a silent message.

Danny shifted the food on his plate softly he was playing with the veggies that was there and started thinking about Sam. He sighed softly. Then shook his head, "Hey after we eat can I get a shower?" He asked softly realizing it had been quite some time since he actually felt warm water. He hoped it would make him feel better. Dick looked at Danny and grinned, "Of course I'll show you where it is after we finish." Danny smiled and took a little bite out of what he thought was meat. He was delightfully surprised by the taste. "Wow what is this?" He chimed taking a bigger bite. "That's an english delicacy It's chicken gizzard chopped up and put on top of corn and mashed potatoes." stated Alfred with a chipper tone, He loved making food from England.

Danny had finished half of it and sighed. He wanted to finish it all but he couldn't his stomach was to full he felt like he was gonna throw up. "I don't feel so good I over ate." He whimpered softly holding his stomach tight. "Bathroom?" He whispered softly standing and tugging Dick's arm. Dick stood, "I'll show you so don't worry come on this way." Dick grabbed his arm and pulled him along gently. "Careful of the stairs." Danny slowly made his way upstairs and sighed, when he was lead into the bathroom. "Holler when you're done ok I'll be right in my room waiting. Feel free to take a shower as well." Danny worked his way to the toilet and lifted the lid. He was trembling softly and panting, He shook his head slightly, I need to calm my stomach this hurts so bad. He thought to himself. ok I need a shower and I need to throw up I over ate... He whimpered and coughed several times before he hurled, he wiped his mouth and sighed leaning back, "God I hate throwing up it hurts my stomach." He muttered before standing again and working his way to the tub. "Here we go." He smiled touching the knobs trying to figure out which was cold, hot, and the shower.

He sat down under the heat after stripping and sighed, "This feels good, it's been awhile since I've had a shower. He sighed softly and sat down letting the warmth wash over him while he thought about his family. "I don't know what to do all I wanted was some peace from my thoughts but I guess taking a shower wouldn't do that." He closed his eyes and sighed, "I don't ever want to leave the warmth."

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