The Nightmares Return

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Hello Lolahusky here Im back yay to do another chapter this might not be good because I don't really know how to do nightmares but I will try. Anyways back with the story.

Batcave (AKA Under Wayne Manor)

Batman, Robin, and Danny all stepped out of the zeta-beam and Batman plus Robin went to change into their civvies. After that Alfred Bruce Wayne's butler came and saw Danny.

"Who is this sir?" questioned Alfred

"Ah Alfred this is Danny we are going to help him. He has a chip in his left arm and we have to try and gain his trust so he won't freak out on us it will only last a day which is has been six hours. Which means every six hours he will have a panic attack and it will get worse every time so we better hurry." Bruce said urgently

"Very well sir." Alfred said

"Um Bruce?" Dick said

"Yes Dick." Bruce said back

"Uh have ever considered how we will gain his trust?" Dick asked

"Well no I haven't Dick." Bruce said an Dick's mouth dropped to the ground I mean the Batman didn't have a plan.

"WHAT! How can you the Batman not have a plan." Dick said

"Dick calm down." Bruce said.

"How can I calm down we are doomed." Dick exclaimed

"DICK! we are not doomed." Bruce yelled

"Well as much as this entertaining we sort of have a crisis." Danny said

"Oh right hehe." Dick said.

"Okay so what are you going to do?" Danny asked.

"Hmmm maybe we should take a look to see how much time we have left." said Dick

"Yea maybe hmm Dick take Danny over to the x-ray machine." Bruce instructed

"Okay come on Danny." Dick said and grabbed Danny's arm taking the boy over to the x-ray machine and putting his left arm under the machine turning it on.

"We have 12 hours left." Dick said.

"Okay so we have 12 hours and every hour he will have a panic attack." Bruce calculated.

"Okay so lets get him to trust us and problem solved right?" Dick asked

"Right." Danny said, "but it would be better if my eyes healed right now so I can see that might help with the trust stupid GIW and there blood blossoms."

"Hmm maybe we can make something for your eyes till they heal properly." Bruce said

"That would be good." Danny said

"Um sir perhaps you can come up with it and Master Dick can help Master Danny out with trusting you." Alfred suggested.

"How about I do it and Dick and Danny go to bed it is rather late plus Danny looks like he really needs sleep." Bruce said

"Okay come Danny I will show you where you will be staying." Dick said and pulled on Danny's arm taking him up the elevator and into Wayne Manor.

"That poor boy." Alfred said once they left

"Yep." Bruce said while getting to work

With Danny and Dick

"So Danny what kind of stuff did you like to go?' Dick asked to brake the awkward silence

"Oh well I used to play video games kind of can't now though until my eyes heal you know." Danny replied

"Oh well um here we are." Dick said and opened the door for Danny. He guided Danny to the bed. "Here you go Danny just call if you need anything." Dick told Danny

"I will." Danny said. When Dick left closing the doors behind him Danny sighed and got into the bed falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Danny's Nightmare

Danny was walking home from the park it was his birthday today and he was excited to see his family and friends. When he finally got to the brick building with the big FentonWorks sign on it he sighed.

"Well I better get inside." Danny said and he walked in. He was expecting for his family and friends to shout surprise but they didn't in fact it was really quiet so Danny thought they might be in the lab and went to the lab door and down the stairs. When he got down the stairs he was surprised to see his family and friends tied and gagged.

"Mom! Dad! Jazz! Sam! Tucker! What's going on?" Danny asked surprised.

"Ah so you finally show up freak." said a GIW agent coming out of a shadow.

"What are you doing here and why did you call me freak i'm a normal teenage boy." Danny said sweating slightly

"Ha you think you can fool us freak we know you're Phantom and I bet they knew about it to." said the agent

"No they didn't." Danny said but he was to late for more agents came out of the shadows and started shooting his family and friends.

"Ha Ha now it's your turn freak grab him boys." the agent in charge said and they all went to grab Danny handcuffing him and dragging into their vans taking him to the GIW HQ.

Still Danny's Nightmare but different place

Danny was sitting in his cell waiting to be experimented on again. He has been at the GIW HQ for quite sometime now and he was slowly breaking.

"Are you ready for another experiment scum?" asked Agent O who just walked in.

"No matter what I say you will still do it." Danny spat.

"Right you are now come on scum let's go." Agent O said grabbing Danny. He dragged Danny to the room where they experimented on him and strapped him to the table. He thought they were going to do the usual electrocution but he was wrong. Two other agents came in with scapels in their hands and the scapels were glowing green so that tells him they are covered in ectoranium.

"What are you going to do with those?" Danny asked

"Oh nothing special just we are going to look into your insides and see how you work." said one of the agents and they moved closer. They ripped his shirt open and started cutting his skin in a shape of a Y they were doing a vivisection. They started pulling out Danny's organs and putting them back in while Danny was screaming.

"Oh shut up you piece of ecto waste you can't feel pain." Agent O said. They finally found Danny's core and Danny started screaming louder.

Outside of Danny's nightmare

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Danny screamed. Dick came running in first with a lamp in hand but then saw Danny crying.

"Danny what's wrong?" Dick asked

"The... their gone." Danny said.

Who's gone?" Dick asked but then Bruce entered hearing Dick's question.

"My... my family and friends their gone the GIW killed them in front of me an... and then a few weeks later the... they did a vivisection on me." Danny said and Dick looked up at Bruce who was clenching his fists together.

"Danny I promise you I will get the GIW shut down if it is the last thing I do." Bruce promised.

A/N: Well that feels like a good place to stop. Sorry if I hadn't been updating I have been busy. Oh and sorry for my very sucky Nightmare I wrote anyways till next time

-Lolahusky8 out

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