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Crystal's dress above
Chapter not edited

Crystal pov

"Belinda I'm scared, everyone is looking at me." I gripped on her arm as we walked across the ballroom. "What do you expect, you've been gone for so long and now reappear with the king as his fiance and you have a new look, so I'm sure people won't stop staring at you. Let's not forget your entrance that just happened ten minutes ago, which makes it safe to say people are awed by you and haven't gotten use to the idea of having you around and...."

Belinda was about to ramble on but was stopped by the approaching figure of Stacy's mother, Drizzella Millard.
"Oh no this is not going to be good." Belinda whispered as Drizzella got closer.

"Oh what a pleasant surprise, Crystal and ... you are?" She turned to Belinda as she kept up her creepy fake smile. "Belinda, and you are?" Belinda didn't hide her disgust for the women, who had ample amounts of make up, caked on her face which only served to make her appear to be a bit desperate.

"Well it's nice to meet you Belinda, anyways Crystal, dear, where have you been we've all terribly missed you" the sarcasm dripped off, of every word that came out of her fowl mouth. "I've been good, sadly I missed the wedding, it must have been good since those two are perfect for each other" Belinda looked surprised at the attitude that I gave to the wicked witch of the west.

"Yeah, it's so sad but maybe it was for the best, your terrible beating helped a beautiful relationship to form. And now they have produced a sculpture of beauty." She smiled wickedly at me, expecting a reaction from me.

"You're right it did help because at least I'm still not friends with your bimbo of a daughter and  the fact that those beatings landed me in a position where I'm about to marry the king. Now makes me wonder how lucky I really was to be beaten, don't you think?" To be honest I was surprised by my attitude towards her, clearly I'm not the only one as Belinda looked at me with her mouth wide open while Drizzella was fuming as she stormed off drawing some unwanted attention our way.

"Well done, I'm officially proud to be your sister! You stood up to that bitch and showed her, her place, where did that come from?" She kept rambling from bewilderment. "To be honest I don't know where that came from but it felt really good and yeah... it just felt good." She nodded her head in agreement at what I had done. For once I was standing up for myself and not hiding behind my past and that for me gave me some of a self esteem boost in which I had lost five years ago.

"Well since that's out of the way, Jackie has been wanting to talk to you and she seems quite serious about it." That's weird usually Jackie tells Belinda what she wants to say to me and by the look on her face she seems to not know herself.

"Okay, I'll go talk to her now, so where is she?" I asked as I tried to scan the audience for her, Belinda shrugged as she too tried looking for her as well. "You know what just go to Kit and be the good loving person you are and if I bump into her I'll just direct her to you or she might be able to find you if your with Kit since he is the reason why everyone is gathered here tonight."

"You're right, I'll just go to him now and by the way do you think it's wrong of me to not be by his side at this moment as I am his fiance?" Guilt started to seep in as I stood there trying to read her facial expression.

"No it isn't but it will be if you do not go sooner because after all it is his night and your meant to support him." I nodded in agreement and in the most elegant way possible rushed to Kit while smiling, to not draw too much attention on me if I was not already doing it.

"There you are, I was starting think you had runway or something" Kit whispered in my ear as he circled his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Why would I runway from the man that provides me all the happiness a girl could ever ask for." I said this as I kissed the corner of his mouth. "You look stunning by the way, it makes me smile when I know your only mine to have." I was about to reply when I got interrupted by giggles

That's when I realised that the prime Minster of Thespian and his lovely wife were watching this interaction between Kit and I the whole time. Embarrassment seeped in as the prime minister's wife winked and quietly whispered to the two of us, "young love is the most beautiful thing to witness, don't you think?"

"I apologise, I didn't see you when I arrived, Kit was my only focal point at the moment." I said with the most sincere tone I could master. "I don't blame you child, you clearly knew what you came for and besides I was the same when I unfortunately found this man I call my husband" she giggled at herself as she said the last part while the prime minister dramatically rolled his eyes.

"Don't mind my wife she sometimes forgets to behave herself, thank you for having us as we celebrate you my king and queen. I am the prime Minster of Thespian as you would know, my name is Bradley Henry and this is my wife Morgan Henry." He politely said as he slightly bowed with his wife.

"It is my pleasure to meet the both of you, I am honoured to meet the man who brought the human rights policy for the peasants of Thespian, as you would know I am very, for the people and equality of the peasants, your work has not gone unnoticed." I said as I smiled at the couple.

"In fact that is what I wanted to talk to you about, prime Minster Bradley, we need to set a meeting where these issues should be discussed regarding the human rights policy as I'm sure there are things that probably will need the assistance of Direland. As the King of all five kingdoms it has become one of my main concerns." Kit said this as the prime Minster nodded in agreement.

"Thank you my king, we will be waiting for your arrangements for the meeting" he seemed pleased with Kit as he said this and politely excused himself and his wife to go and mingle with other guests.

"That went well, I think you've formed a definite ally." I leaned in for a kiss as he tightly held on to my waist pulling me impossibly close to him. "Indeed we have my queen" he said as he leaned in for another kiss but was interrupted by a giggling Jackie.

"You know you both should just get a room and leave, honestly you are making quite a scene with King Kit's hands on your butt while in a heated make out session, it's quite obvious that you need a room. We get it! You're in love but please stop with the rated R stuff in public." She kept rambling as I blushed from embarrassment and Kit trying to create some decent distance from me, also clearly out of embarrassment.

"By the way Belinda said you wanted to talk to me?" I said this in attempt to change the topic from Jackie rambling on about Kit and I. "Yes your right I do need to talk to you, sweetie pie would you mind if I stole your fiance from you for some time."

"Of course take your time I'll be right over there with the governor of Quartz" he pointed at the man next to the bar where it seemed like the man had too much to drink. "Okay I won't take long, love." I gave him a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth as he headed for the peculiar man at the bar.

"So what did you want to talk about Jackie."

Hey guys sorry for the relatively long update, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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