chapter: 2

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Chapter not edited
Pic of Belinda above

"Umm... I know you have a lot on your plate but would you be willing to go on a date with me?" John nervously asked Belinda.

"Yes off coarse I want to, in fact I've been waiting for you to finally ask me." Belinda blushed after realizing what she had just said.

"Aww.. you guys are so cute, John she's been waiting I just can't believe that you finally became a man and asked her." As I carried on gushing I received deathly glares from Belinda.

"Umm... crystal don't you have to be at the bakers today." Belinda kept looking at me with her deadly glares. "Thanks for reminding me I should go actually." Oh she thinks she can get rid of me that easily well we have to see about that!

"John by the way make sure she's safe and please don't come back with little Johns running around my living room if you know what I'm saying and remember condoms are like seatbelts first they can be very uncomfortable then when you get used to it, its what  later on saves your life. So enjoy yourselves and don't be naughty especially you Belinda." With that I left

Leaving John wide eyed looking at me with pure shock and embarrassment and Belinda with one of her worst deadly glares that she could master. Oh well I'm screwed when she gets back from her "date" but it was totally worth it.

"Ouch!" A large man stomped on my tiny toes. "Miss are you okay?" I looked up to see the most gorgeous specimen that I have ever seen.

Quickly slurping up my imaginary drool, words couldn't come out if my mouth. So I did what any women would do in my situation I just kept staring like a lost puppy while admiring this sexy strangers face.

"Miss are you alright miss?" The man genuinely looked concerned, it nearly reminded me of... Richard, you know what Crystal forget about him he's not worth your thoughts. "No I'm super, it's just that I'm slow at times sadly it's a terrible condition."

Stupid I am so bad at lying. "Well I'll try to be slower next time" the sexy hell of a beast replied with his tone laced with pure sarcasm.

Sh*t he knows I'm lying, dammit I've always been bad at it. "Thanks that's really nice of you and by the way my name is Crystalina Benson but everybody calls me Crystal." "I'm known by many names but my father calls me Kit and everyone else calls me Christian."

"Its nice to meet you Kit and but  I have to get going now." "Wait at least let me help you after all I did nearly destroyed your toes." Wow he's a nice guy but I'm not falling for that never again. "No its fine I got everything handled."
By the look on his face, he wasn't going to give up any time soon. "Then give me your number so I can make it up to you, please" he's drop dead gorgeous and everything that Richard was.

Should I give him my number? or do I keep living in my past where everything I do will remind me off him an my life back in the castle?

"Okay fine here, but this is only to help me whenever I need you."
While giving him the number, maybe it's just me but he looked really happy. "Thank you and I can assure you, I'm quite confident that you will need me more often then you think, you just don't know it yet." With that he gave his number and kissed me on the cheek.

Which off coarse made me blush then making him give one of the most sexiest smirks I've ever seen and then left with out another word. Wow he has cocky side to him, it's not surprising though he is that sexy.

After standing for nearly 10 minutes day dreaming about the sexy beast, I started to head towards the bakery.  "Hey  Jackie can I have the usual please." "Sure thing sweetie, by the way I saw you with Kit." That's Jackie for you an old  plum lady who loves gossip

"You know that guy?" Giving me one of  her cheeky smiles, she replied "off coarse sweetie I would have to know a guy who constantly helps around the bakery, when it gets busy and when he keeps staring at one of my favourite customers longingly."

Confused by her words and that naughty grin that  she was giving me, left a lot of questions bubbling in my mind. "What do you mean he stares at your favourite customer and why longingly?" I don't know what's wrong with this lady, now she had a full blown smile on her  face.

"Dont worry about that sweetie, I think he has a mini crush on her." With that she left to attend to other customers. For some reason, knowing that he had a crush or what I would  say, a love interest, made me really upset.

After talking with Jackie for some time, seeing  that it was  getting dark, I bid my goodbyes and left for home. "Hey Belinda how was your "date" with  John?" She gave me once again her deadly glares.

"It wasn't a date, we were getting to know each other better over  lunch, that's all we did and that was not considered as a date, he just wanted to get to know me a bit more before the date." Belinda sighed as she looked outside the window, lost in her thoughts which are probably about John I presume.

"Whatever you say captain and I'm really glad that you have someone to get to know on a more different level." Belinda turned to look at me but for  some reason, she looked like she was about to cry.

"Dude are you okay, is this conversation too emotional for you." I started laughing but quickly stopped when I realised that Belinda was now crying.

"I'm so sorry Crystal, I'm a really bad friend while I'm here talking about John, I should have at least considered that it might bring back memories of the past that I know you don't ever want relive, and now I keep talking about John without considering your feelings."

Wow I was officially offended, how could she think that I would be upset because she's dating and I'm not. Doesn't she know that  there is something called "I'm fine with being alone" and its not like I'll stay alone forever, I'm just still healing that's all.

"Well I don't mean to sound harsh but I don't need anyone's  pity and you out of all people should  know that by now but if you being with John makes you this emotional then don't you ever, mention my past like that when you get this emotional."

"I'm not someone's  emotional or sad case, whatever you want to call it but I will not tolerate your pity cause I don't need it if I wanted it I would have asked but  I didn't so please next time save those tears for someone else. And what I don't get is you out of all people would know how I feel about shit like this."

I stormed off very angrily to my room and slammed the door before she had the chance to reply. I was too angry to come out for dinner so I stayed in my room for the rest of the evening.

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