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Chapter not edited
Pic of Kit

Third pov

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Princeton royal family. It is a great pleasure to have you here to introduce our new king who will also be accompanied with his lovely fiancé Crystalina Benson."

The royal announcer seemed to be oblivious of the obvious shock and confusion the audience held as he had just announced Crystal's name.

"Stacy am I deaf or did I just hear him say Crystal?" Samantha whispered behind her as she  looked at her best friend with concern for she knew what trouble Crystal would bring by just being here.

"Nope sadly you aren't and this is not going to end well." Stacy harshly whispered to Samantha
"But what makes it worse is that  if it is really Crystalina Benson,  she will get in the way of my already troubled marriage with Richard, people have been wanting her to return and take my place, for the past five years I have been seen as the villian due to the circumstances of my friendship with her and her demise, which isn't fair since I was a really good friend to her. I even stuck out my neck to be friends with her when she was just some street rat that wasn't worth sh*t." Samantha  shook her head in pity for her friend as she knew that the true victim wasn't that Crystalina but Stacy, who has been tormented by the absence of a mere slave that managed to gain the favour of the kingdom of Pompeii.

Before Stacy could reply,"You know I can hear you, I'm sitting right next you for God sakes. And for the record no one cares what you both have to say for her unexpected arrival, if I were you I'd shut up before I have to make you." Chills ran down Stacy's back as her husband harshly told them to be quiet.

It was clear that Samantha was frightened as she bowed her head in submission and embarrassment, while leaning back into her seat.

While Nicole who had overheard the entire thing shook her head in disgust from what Stacy and her follower had to say about the kind and gentle Crystalina Benson, who had captured the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to meet her.

As for Stacy she had, had enough of Richard's harsh words. "You know what, I have had enough of your crap. Why can't you be the loving husband that you're meant to be instead of this pathetic ass hole, who still cries for Crystal.

Quess what? She was a slutty gold digger, who you let think she could run this kingdom. She's gone, she left and its been five years so get over it."

Before Stacy could register what had just come out of her mouth, it had already been too late as the whole hall sat in silence as they watched a women of such great power and "dignity" embarrass her country,herself and her husband in such a vile manner.

Before anyone could comment or try to cover up the dramatic scene that had been unfolding. The trumpets were blown, while the big rich wood oak doors opened to reveal the next heir in line with his soon to be queen.

As Christian Princeton and Crystalina Benson graced the hall with their presence. Stacy's hatred grew more for her ex best friend as it seemed that no matter how much pain and humiliation came Crystal's way, more power would be added to her advantage.

Stacy's pov

I hate her, how does this piece of shit get the king. How the hell does she get it. She probably slept her way up, I'm sure of it, there's no other way, there is just no possible way.

Third pov

Crystal held an impressive death grip on one of Kit's arms as they entered the hall, Kit smiled lovingly to his future wife for reassurance that he would  not be leaving her side anytime soon.

All eyes stared in amazement for the girl who had been falsely accused and beaten was now walking arm in arm with the future king.

Of course many women buzzed as they wondered how Crystal could some how get her hands on another royal. Tension cut deep in the hall as some women held curious gazes towards Crystal while some held pure jealousy for the beauty, and some just simply held such strong judgement against her as they felt within their right to do so.

Which made it quite surprising as Crystal hadn't been in the public eye for more the an hour and people had already had come to their conclusions of her as they always do with people they believe don't deserve what ever they aren't deserving of.

Chills ran through Crystal's spine as she made eye contact with her ex, Richard. It was clear that the two were staring at each other. But how couldn't they? They were once  great lovers after all, until one silly rumour destroyed their possible future together and now all is left is the scars one has for the rest of her days on earth and a tragic love story, that is written in the history books of Pompeii.

And will be told for the many years to come. It was clear that there were words that both parties had been holding on for too long. Yet such words are better left not said but kept in the depths of the soul, as it's better for it to stay eternally there while it devours itself from the deception and anguish it had felt from all the pain and hurt from past events.

Kit reassuringly squeezed Crystal's hand, as any fool could see the tension that was  clear between the two ex lovers.

With Crystal giving Richard one last glance of pure hatred and somewhat mixed emotion of all that she has experienced with him. She proceeded to fully devote herself on to concentrating on the ceremony that was honouring her fiancé.

It was clear that many were too shocked for words as multiple of hidden whispers circulated the hall. As the Pope came, all whispers where silenced immediately. The crown finally placed on Kit's head earned satisfied smiles and murmurs of  how deserving the man was for the position of king of all five Kingdoms.

However it was clear that Kit was far more interested in his fiancé as he looked straight at her the whole time throughout his coronation. And lets not forget the dangerous glares that Richard kept giving to the king and his lovely wife Stacy who also gave her fair share of death glares to the future queen.

Cheers erupted for the official king of Direland as he stood up and smiled to the crowd. No one expected what would happen next when Kit swooped down and crashed his lips on to his unsuspecting love.

Many erupted in great cheer as they watch their king. Passionately kiss the future queen of the land. Yet not all where happy for the couple as they didn't believe such a peasant should deserve a seat at the throne.

While others feared that Crystal would find herself in the same tragic love story. And with her fragile heart, Crystal couldn't dare survive a repeat of history.

As the couple finally broke apart from their heated kiss, it was clear that Crystal didn't expect that from Kit and was quite embarrassed for the PDA moment they had in front of a large crowd of important people.

Everyone knew that with that kiss, fate was sealed for the upcoming events that would either shock or utterly confuse the many who are most likely to be involved.

"What was that for", Crystal whispered to the man who held pure love for her in his stormy blue eyes. "I was simply reminding everyone in there, that you're who I want to spend the rest of my life with and no one will come in the way of that."

Kit said this while looking deeply into Crystal's big brown eyes. As they were about enter the car. Kit swooped Crystal of her feet and romantically put her in the car while the people on the side, whistled and stood in awe of the cute couple.

Thanks for being patient with me hope you enjoyed reading this chapter

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