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Chapter not edited

"The thing is, I-I can't, it's been so long and I'm still trying to find myself after what I've been through and for you to walk up to me like just that after being mistreated by your family, including you, to tell me

that you all miss and need me back, the fact that you had the absolute courage to come up to me and hope to expect me to be genuinely happy to see you. With all the respect I can possibly have since you are a princess, that must be respected,

You are being inconsiderate on my part and you can't just expect me to go back to a man who not only made sure I was broken and hated by his people but later on married my 'supposed bestfriend', so I'm sorry your brother has become cold and distant but it's no way in hell my problem that he's the way he is

For all I care he can jump of a bridge and die but it really wouldn't be my problem so please do us both as favour and leave me alone."

I never thought I would be able to confront any of them about my feelings and as she looked at me with pure shock written all over her face I believe she thought the same way.

"B-But you have to see him please I know what we all did to you was something that can never be forgiven but can you please at least try to at least consider the idea." Before I could reply Richard showed up and looked really angry with his younger sister.

Luckily I was able to escape from him before he could see me and quickly looked for Belinda before I got caught.

"Belinda we need to go Richard is here with his sisters and one of them saw me, Belinda we need to leave before she tells him that I was here please Belinda we need to desperately leave."

Belinda was one of the most slowest and confused people you could ever meet when drunk so trying to get out of this club was next to impossible.

"Belinda please we need to leave before they find me please." "Okay okay puzz kill but you owe me, we haven't even danced with any of the cute guys because of you and now you want to leave."

Belinda slurred as she tumbled to the entrance of the club. We were just about to reach the entrance when I stumbled on a hard brick wall which just seemed to come out of no where.

"Sorry miss I didn't see you there , I hope I didn't cause much damage to the beautiful lady." Okay so it's not a brick wall then wow this guy must workout

"No it's okay I wasn't looking, if anyone needs to apologize, I should be the one not you." " Crystal is that you? I never thought we would meet again but here we are now."

Kit looked sexy as hell in his dark navy blue, Armani suit damn he's so sexy!!!

"Earth to Crystal, Crystal are you okay?" Dammit I have to stop staring at him like that he's even got a smirk on his face meaning he can tell I'm staring, Crystal you need to get a gripe of yourself. Stupid!

"I'm okay as I said before I take time to register things, anyways what brings you here? If you don't mind me asking."

Kit just simply smiled and said "Business with Prince Richard."
That's when my face instantly paled, if he knew Richard that means he must some how know me, I have to leave before its too late.

"Wait Crystal I promise you I don't work for Richard or am he's friend I strictly came here for business deals that involve him, that's all, I promise."

He looked like he was telling the truth. "Okay then if you don't work for him and you're not his friend, how can I be so sure that you will not tip him of that I was here "

Kit sighed "because I feel this connection between us and I wouldn't ruin the chance that I could get to know you better without him being in the way of that, as Carley Rae Jepsen said "I really like you

I know it sounds cheesy but that's how I truly feel and I hope when you're ready, you will be able to give me a chance and I promise you that you won't regret.

I have to go now but I'll keep in contact with you later. Bye" with that he left right after he gave me a kiss on the cheek which in turn left me blushing and happy that I'm finally moving on with a person who I believe, genuinely cares about me and I hope that this isn't wishful thinking but something leading into the right direction.

"Morning sleepy head, how are you feeling today?" Belinda looked revolting and if John could see her he'd probably run.

"Like sh*t, I just remember you rushing us out of the club and then ditching me to talk to this flipping hot guy and then getting shouted at by one of the most annoying b*tches I've ever had the unfortunate chance to meet."

Belinda kept rambling as I gave her some Advil. "Why did she shout at you?" "This is what happened so when you were flirting with the guy I was making my way to the entrance when some blonde bimbo bumped into me and expected an apology

So me being me I just looked at her and started laughing, which in turn made her furious so she started yelling which off course I wasn't listening to any way and then for some reason I vomited all over her outfit and just left her there."

"Wow please tell me that you at least apologized for that because that's gross and disgusting and if I was her I would be mad and in that context, I get where she's coming from, concerning the fact you vomited on her."

Belinda did a dramatic sigh before looking at me with one of her b*tch please looks.

" Crystalina Benson after what I've done for you, I would think that you knew me by now but certainly you seem not to because the Belinda I know would do no such, apologising to a bimbo like her certainly not, I think we should break up!"

"Okay okay babes no need to get dramatic just take the Advil and go and lie down and if you behave I'll make sure John comes by but that's only if you're a good little girl, okay sweetie"

I laughed as Belinda stormed to her room, cussing under her breath before slamming the door. And that's ladies and gentlemen Belinda for you.

Unknown pov

Thanks to that fake rumour, taking Crystal of the throne was Much easier than I thought and now no one will be in my way.

Since I control Stacy I basically rule the throne. Richard deserved what he got, he can cry over his lost love but there's nothing that could fix what he did to his "true love". Whatever that can get me in control of Pompeii is worth all the sacrifices even if I had to hurt Crystalina Benson,

I have never once regretted making that rumour and I won't regret it anytime soon.

I wonder who the evil person is we'll just have to find out!

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