Chapter 2: P O W E R F U L

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[having great power; strong; mighty]

I licked my lips as I was craving for a cigarette right now. But with Dad with me, I wasn't allowed such grace. Dad would scold me and call my therapist if he even caught sight of me and a stick. I even hid my lighter and pack in the deepest part of my luggage just to make sure he doesn't stand at the very sight of it.

"Does your sister and brother know you're here?" Randy asked me as we strolled around the hallways towards the curtain for Randy's promo with Chris Jericho in the Highlight Reel.

It was no secret to anyone that knew me that I had a great relationship with Orton. I wasn't hiding it whatsoever. As much as he hated every single one of my family members, he had a soft side for me. Hey, I always got his back even from the start. Plus, I was Alana's godmother. So he had no other option than to love me.

"Me? Yes. My Dad? Nope. That's the surprise for tonight." I grinned. "And since Dad had been hidden in my office all night, I think it should be safe to have a smoke." I muttered under my breath.

"You know that's going to kill you." He pointed.

Really? I looked at him knowingly. Of all the people in this green earth, he'll be telling me about this.

"Yeah," I scoffed. "When I die. I die. No complication, no bullshit medical treatment or anything between those lines at all." I assured him.

"Such a fine lady like yourself shouldn't say such thing." He tutted wagging his index finger right in front of me. How I'd want to break that finger right now.

"Whatever, Viper." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure to have a good talk with Kim one of this days." I teased and having him widen his eyes at me meant he knew what I was talking about.

"N-No need for that." He chuckled nervously.

I giggled punching his arm as his music started just in time. He was going out in just his merch shirt and some sweat pants. Ugh, so much like Randy as usual. I punched his arm again before he made his way outside the curtain.

"I'm coming out a little later!" I called out.

"Already expecting it, Sonya!" he called back out making me laugh.

Eventually as Chris Jericho being his usual ass-hole self-centred self, I made my way out of the ring much to everyone's surprise and boos. I laughed as Randy pulled Chris in for an RKO. I laughed hysterically at the mess that was Jericho.

"Climbing up, My lady?" he asked as I climbed up the ring. He opened the two ropes for me to enter.

I giggled at the over dramatic entrance he gave me.

I looked at the crowd cheering me on all of a sudden.

"My money is on Lesnar though." I pointed out at Randy making him shake his head at me. I had held my head back laughing at the look on his face. As much as I love Randy to bits, I knew that by Summerslam he'll be beaten to a fucking pulp at the hands of the beast.

I shook my head as the laughter died and I lifted his hand up in the air making everyone cheer on. Everyone cheered Randy on. I clapped my hands for him as he made his way on top of the turnbuckle. He made his return with everyone loving him. But I knew it wouldn't last long. It never does. With what I had planned, I need as much backup as I could have.

Once his music had died down, we made our way backstage to see madness going around as usual. Battleground was as stressful as any pay-per-views out there. I'm just excited to be part of Summerslam next month.

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