Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Ms. Hammond. I'm gonna do just that," she said, smiling deeply.

"Good. Now take this bag with you and see what you can do for my son."

"I got it," she replied, feeling better as she headed down to his room.

"Now I got to get poor O together before this nut gets here." said Charlene to herself, as she headed up to the room.

Asia knocked gently on the bathroom door. "Kojo, are you decent?" receiving no answer. "Kojo." louder, slowly opening the door.

He was laid back in a Jacuzzi tub filled with bubbles, listening to Anita Baker's Rapture album 'Been So Long' was caressing his ears as he tried to stave off a headache. A folded washcloth covered his eyes and a huge bulge protruded from the swollen left one. Asia slowly removed the cloth and looked into his eyes, bringing an immediate smile to his face.

"Your mother told me to come down here and take care of you, but my first thought was to drown you. Good thing your mother made a convincing argument," she said softly, kneeling next to the tub and removing items from the bag.

"Asia, I'm really . . ."

She placed a finger over his lips. "I didn't ask you to speak. Now open your mouth." He acquiesced, and she placed two pills on his tongue and gave him a sip of bottled water. "Now let me see your eye," she said, gently wiping blood away from the cut. "That doesn't hurt?" she asked.

He didn't respond.

"You may speak," she allowed, smiling.

"Hurts like hell," he replied, pain evident in his voice.

"That's good. Maybe you'll think about that before you do something crazy like that again," she said, tenderly dabbing the wound with peroxide and placing a large bandage over it.

He reached for her hand and placed it on his lips, affectionately kissing her fingers and placing her hand on the side of his face. "Do you forgive me?" he asked with a smoothness that would have made Billy D. Williams proud.

She was struck like a deer in headlights as she slowly nodded, "Yes, but don't think for one minute it's always going to be that easy."

"I don't plan on making you angry often," he replied.

"That's a good idea, Mr. Hammond. Damn, Othello worked you over pretty good. You might have to see a doctor about that eye," she whispered.

"Nah, it's draining. It'll be ok in a few days," he moaned.

"I take it you've been here before?"

"Once or twice, but I never had a nurse as beautiful as you."

"You're just saying that to keep me from dotting your other eye," she said, waving a fist in his face.

He kissed it.

The attraction between them was electrifying, something neither one of them could deny, but both were cautious and afraid to reveal their true feelings. It was too soon. And they were both in uncharted water.

"Othello Greene and Kojo Hammond!" yelled Janet, using her key to come into the house, instantly killing the mood between Asia and Kojo. "Where are you at?"

"Oh, man." That's O's momma. Hand me that towel, please," he said, standing up in the tub, without thinking. Asia was in a daze. She hadn't seen a body like that since watching old Bruce Lee movies. "Asia," he repeated, louder. "Could you please hand me that towel?" his manhood inches from her face.

She quickly turned away, slightly embarrassed, and handed him the towel. 'Sorry, I guess I got distracted," she smiled, shamefacedly.

"Do me a favor and chill in my room, while I go see Hurricane Janet," he said with concern in his voice. More like fear.

Othello Greene: The Story BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now