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"And that is what happened," Fasnth concluded.

"What about us saving you?" Dunzii asked, awaiting praise.

"Thank you," Fasnth said, for what seemed the fiftieth time.

Steponie was beside Fasnth working on his arm.  The sword never went away like it did before.

Lance, Lilang, and Jessica came into the room.

"Fasnth, nice to see you in the land of the living.  You shouldn't scare Stephonie like that," Lance said, giving Fasnth a rough pat on the back.

"How was it like?  Having no strength?" Jessica asked

"Hmm...I could barely stay awake, my body ached all over.  I could barely lift an arm or open my eyes," Fasnth said.

"Things really returned to normal," Fasnth thought, "I even have to start school again.  I wonder-"

Miyuki stepped in with a clipboard, a phone to her ear.

"Yes, no, yes, yes, no, no, no, why would I ever - " she noticed everyone staring at her, "I'll get back to you."

She hung up.

"Great work Fasnth, you did more in one night than many people do in their entire lives," Miyuki said, "The government is gone, a new one is in place, and you can live in any video game you want.  So where do you want to go?"

Everyone looked at him, awaiting an answer.

"I want to stay here," Fasnth said, "In this game."

Everyone was shocked.  To think he wanted to stay in reality!

"I have some things to take care of," he said, "and I would rather look into the future of my life, and not know what will happen."

It was decided.  The Blood Cats would tackle the greatest quest, life.  They all knew it wouldn't be easy.

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