The Duo

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"John!  Over here!" Fasnth called out.

"Oh, another woman, eh?" John smirked, "I'm John he said, and you are?"

"I am Dunzii," Dunzii said.

"She's a wolf.  or at least has the abilities of one.  She is another victim of Operation Logout," Fasnth explained.

"Just keeping 'em coming don't ya, Harem King," John said.

"John!!!  You know that isn't my fault!" Fasnth yelled, "In fact... Zul Viir!" (Spell that makes you unable to speak)


Stephonie came up to the group.

"It is good to see you again master!" she said.

"Master?" Dunzii asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She just serves me because I gave her back her soul," Fasnth said, blushing.

"The rumors about you were true then, Fasnth," Dunzii stated.

Stephonie, Dunzii, and Fasnth all turned to a rustling bush.

"Bandits," Dunzii said.

"Two," added Stephonie.

"Both are heavily armed," Fasnth concluded.

"It must be nice having those senses," the bandit said, coming from his hiding place, "I bet if we used soap you would never have noticed."

This bandit was about Fasnth's height, carried a quarterstaff, and was wearing mostly yellow.  A bandanna covered most of his face.  His voice was high pitched for a man, like he was only twelve years of age.

The other bandit came out, he looked more menacing with his horned hood, flowing cape, and mean mustache.  All of his clothes were pitch black.  He was carrying a scythe.

"Kurute, would you kindly?" the bandit said.

The pitch black bandit responded, "My pleasure, Lance."

This bandit sounded very mature.  However, you could tell he didn't speak much, his words were drawn out and it sounded like he savored every syllable.

"Laas Hah Gron Gol!" Kurute cast.

"Everyone get off the ground!" Fasnth called, jumping.

However it was too late, everyone else was covered up to their waist in fast drying clay and paralyzed.

"Who are you?" Fasnth asked.

"I'm Lance and this is Kurute, we are The Duo," Lance said.

"Why are you attacking us?" Fasnth continued.

"Now why should we tell you?" Lance said.

"Does the big guy talk?  Or is he one of those stereotypical silent giants?"

"Iie, watashi wa Nihongo jiin desu.  Your ranguage is hard to rearn.  Is this right, Rance?" Kurute asked.

"You're getting better," Lance replied, "Remember, 'l' is el, not er."



"Come on, stop talking between yourselves, I will defend my friends," Fasnth said.

"I like your spirit, how about a game?" Lance said, "I every time I win, I get one of your possessions, when you win, one of your friends goes free."

"Challenge accepted," Fasnth declared.

First was poker.

"I exchange these cards," Fasnth said.

"I keep mine," Lance said.

They put down their cards.

"Three of a kind," Fasnth said.

"Full house," Lance declared.

Fasnth gave up their firewood.

List of events that happened:

Lance lost, John goes free.

Lance lost, Stephonie goes free.

Fasnth lost, gave up tents.

Fasnth lost, gave up horse feed.

Fasnth lost, gave up weapon accessories.

Lance lost, Dunzii goes free.

"There I won," Fasnth said.

"Not yet, you are yet to go free," Lance said.

"What's the next game?" Fasnth asked.

"A drinking game," Lance said, "You against Kurute."

"You bring the mead?" Fasnth asked.

"Yes, but let's up the game, I win, you become one of us, you win, you go free," Lance said.

"Deal.  I never loose these," Fasnth said.

"Mul Zii!" Kurute cast.

Two large barrels appeared.

"Might I ask what this is?" Fasnth said.

"Our personal recipe.  It consists of 50% alcohol, special spices, and yeast," Lance said, "We call it Dead Man's Gut."

"Take a flagon, and start!" Lance continued.













Fasnth fainted.

 "Well Kurute, looks like we won, welcome to the team, Fasnth," Lance said.

Kurute cast a spell of temporary amnesia on the Blood Cats and dragged Fasnth to the hideout.

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