Detached Soul

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Though he knew what would happen, flying through the air isn't as fun if you can't see where to land.  The trio stopped ascending, and started falling.

"Where are you John!?" Fasnth screamed.

John burst from the clouds in the juvenile dragon they tamed.  He caught everyone and started towards the base.

"Why did you move it?  Couldn't you have told me?" Fasnth yelled, tears still streamed from his eyes, "I could have died!"

"You're still level nine.  Also, I couldn't reveal it to her," John said, snickering.

"The bunny is a guy!"

"No, the person under the cloak.  The used-to-be dire wolf, how do we know she isn't a spy?  In fact, switch to messages. - John"

"Fine, I still hate you. - Fasnth"

"At least I know the thin air didn't damage your brain. - John"

"About the... shiver... girl, what should we do with her? - Fasnth"

"Well, she is our slave. - John"

"SLAVE? - Fasnth"

"That rabbit, it is a piece of her soul.  I'm guessing she either angered the archmage or the archbishop.  Either way, she will be trouble. - John"

"So, we can make her do anything as long as we hold her soul? - Fasnth"

"Yes. - John"

"Don't get any weird ideas, I can see you reaching for her. - John"

"Oh, come on.  What else would I do?  I am a sixteen year old. - Fasnth"

"With the brain of a nine year old. - John"

"HEY," Fasnth shouted.

John turned down his computer volume in real life.

"Anyway, we are here. - John"

After breaking through the clouds, the Blood Cat's fortress was in sight.  It was named Lucifer Icarus.  It had more weapons than anything else.  It was the only flying fortress in the entire game.  John got it by pulling some strings with the developers.  It wasn't massive, nor grand but it was home.

The dragon landed on the dock/drawbridge.

"Come on, let's get inside," John said.

Fasnth walked inside and entered the parlor.  Tea was already waiting.

"Butler Hanson's doing?" Fasnth asked.

"Yes, you know I can't cook," John retorted, angered at the rhetorical question.

"It was a joke.  Come on, toughen up."

"So says the one who left reality for an easier life."

"Anyway," Fasnth said, shrugging off the last comment, "Where should we keep her?"

Fasnth indicated the girl who was still asleep.

"In your room," John said flatly.

"WHAT?" Fasnth spat out his tea.

"You found her, you keep her.  All I wanted was the pelt, you lucky devil."

"I wouldn't mind it," a small voice said.

Both turned to the cloak, a little girl's head was poking out.  Both boys jumped back.

"You took good care of my soul.  I know you will take good care of me," she continued.

"Might I ask your name?" John said.

"Stephonie, I am twelve years old."

"Hey she's the right zodiac sign," John whispered to Fasnth.

"Don't say that, it still is a four year age gap," Fasnth replied.

"Anyway, how did you come about this game?" John asked.

"A lady asked me if I wanted a different reality.  I said yes, and next thing I know, I am a giant beast, prowling the forest," Stephonie said, "I was chasing that Rabbit, knowing only that it was important.  Only after you relieved the curse did I realize it was my soul."

"Well, you have to follow all of my orders until I deem you worthy to have your soul back," Fasnth said.

"I will follow orders without hesitation."

"Beat John to the ground."

"Wait what?!" John said.

Stephonie summoned a club and whaked John across the forehead.  His legs buckled and he collapsed.

"Efficient, I like that," Fasnth commented.

"I think your ears are cute," Stephonie said, "May I touch them?"


Stephonie was on top of him in a second.  She rubbed the ears, only now did Fasnth realize how sensitive they were.

"That is enough!" he said, blushing and trying to control his breathing.

"Already getting cozy I see," John said, as he awoke.

"That isn't it!"

Alarms blared and lights blinked.  They were under attack.  Fasnth looked out a window to see a legion of dragon riders.

"Stephonie, climb on to my back," Fasnth said.

"Ohhh, she's already riding you.  This is going fast," John snickered.

Fasnth chanted a spell and morphed into a dragon.

"Stephonie, you need to jump off when we get close, I only have a minute in this form," Fasnth said.

Stephonie nodded.

"Let's go!"

Fasnth charged with John, riding the juvenile dragon, close behind.

Both lept off the edge and headed straight into the heat of battle.

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