Sun's Punishment

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Fasnth rushed through the forest.  His heart was still, but the blood flowed like water.  By all medical means, he was dead.  His senses were heightened even further and the moon seemed to shine like the sun.  Trees whistled by and the wind howled in Fasnth's ears.  His tail bounced from side to side to keep Fasnth balanced.

Wolves ran alongside him.  The scent of excitement was overwhelming.  It was the rush of the hunt.  He didn't stop running until they got to the shoreline.  This is where John's scent stopped.  Fasnth looked at himself in the water.

His fangs got longer and his hears seemed more furry.  His tail seemed on end and his skin was a deep tan.  Gone was the boy who played video games for a living.  Now he was a trained killer.

The wolves around him got restless.  Fasnth sent them back into the forest, four of them had a mission.  Fasnth turned towards the ocean again.  He constructed a fishing boat from the trees near him and a sail from his spare cloak.  He wasn't going to let John get away.

The four wolves went to the locations specified by Fasnth.  Dunzii, being able to understand the language, followed immediately.  One wolf had to transform in order to get Lance and Kurute to follow.  Stephonie obeyed without protest.  They met the fourth wolf, who had already brought around the flying fort.  The hunt was on.

Fasnth was out to see, tracking the faint scent that made it's way out of the salt that hung in the air.  The moon was setting and Fasnth felt wary.  Tiredness swept over him like a wave crashes on a beach.  He fell asleep at the rudder.

"Nice work John!" a crew member said.

"It wasn't too hard.  Just took some time," John replied, "That sucker didn't see it coming!"

"The people up top are proud.  You just took down a terrorist!"

"That is my job, and about the higher ups, when can they pull me out?" John asked, "Being stuck in a game isn't as fun as you might think."

"They can get you out in about three days our time."

John and his crew were in their hideout.  Though they were pirates, each and every one of them worked for the government.  John was sent into the game to take down the leader of the terrorists, Fasnth.  This was his last job before he retired.

"John!  Captain!" a pirate yelled, "Vessel approaching!"

"What?! Where?" John took the spyglass and spotted a fishing vessel, "No worries, probably just has a tear in his sail, see that hole.  Let's just patch it up and send him back out."

The man piloting the boat was passed out.  He slumped in a way that made viewing him hard.  In fact, there seemed to be darkness radiating off of him.

When the boat landed, the men scrambled to get the fisher man out and started on the sail.  The man's cloak covered his entire head and torso, except the arms.  "He seems familiar," John thought.

The man came to and wrestled out of the sailor's arms.  "Easy, we will only repair your sail then you can leave," the cabin boy stated.

The man's hood came off and John's blood went cold.  Fasnth was standing in front of him.

Fasnth gazed into John's eyes, relishing the fear that was present.  "John, I challenge you to honorable combat!" Fasnth shouted.

The message appeared and John accepted.

"You are really an idiot to come here, after being wounded like how you were," John said.

"I had a friend," Fasnth stated.

Both removed their cloaks and shirts, revealing the pooled blood where Fasnth's heart should have been.  The hole went straight through, how he was still alive was a mystery.

John had several scars down his back and front.  He was heavy in build and his muscled bulged.

"Just a merchant, eh?" Fasnth asked.

"A god, huh?" John retorted.

Both let out a bark of laughter.  They charged into each other.  Fasnth drew the blood from his would and constructed a dagger in his hand.  He slashed downward nicking John's torso.  The weapon grew with the blood it drew and Fasnth lunged again.  This time, his blade hit a shield made of fire.

"Help from the moon?  Be prepared to feel the punishment of the sun!" John exclaimed.

A broadsword formed in his free hand and the fight was heating up.  They charged each other and locked blades.  John brought the shield around and struck Fasnth in the side, winding him.  The shield left a burn where it hit.  John used this advantage and grabbed Fasnth.  He lifted him above his head and threw him down onto the floor.  A crunch resounded in the cavern and the crew cheered.  John basked in the glory.

Fasnth was able to recover and slash John's sword arm.  The arm bled profusely and John just stood there, in shock.  A swift kick to his jaw brought him back to his senses.  John dropped his sword and used both hands on the shield, blocking Fasnth's fury of blows.  Each hit made a metallic clang and weakened both attacker and defendant.

John staggered on a bench, so Fasnth lunged.  John smiled and bashed Fasnth in the face with his shield.  Fasnth saw stars and felt blood flow from his nose and mouth.  The crew once again cheered and pushed Fasnth back into the ring. Fasnth could barely see straight.  John brought his shield up for a final hit.

Fasnth thrust his dagger into John's chest.  The crew stopped cheering.  The blade grew into a great sword as it absorbed every drop of blood.  It dissipated back into Fasnth's wound.  Fasnth was brought to tears, his friend was there, now dead.  Even though he started it, somehow killing will leave you empty.  As suddenly as they started, the tears stopped.  Fasnth couldn't feel what used to be there.  He lost all feeling of guilt, remorse, and sadness.  "It is just the game," he thought, but he was turned into a hardened killer.

"FLYING FORTRESS INCOMING!" a spotter called.

Soon enough all the pirates fled and the remaining Blood Cats were at his side.

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