Moon's Blessing

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"Then what happened?" John asked.

"Well, we went looking for you," Fasnth answered.

Since John, Stephonie, and Dunzii saw Fasnth again, they regained their memories.

"I don't believe you.  It wouldn't have taken that long to find us," Dunzii said.

"There were a few hardships, mostly being the fact we barely had a silver coin to the name," Fasnth stated.

"Why are they here, Master?" Stephonie asked.

"They are joining the Blood Cats!" Fasnth exclaimed, "Also, can you stop with the 'master' it is really giving people the wrong idea."

"Ok, shiek," Stephonie said.

"Better, I guess," Fasnth thought.

"As a newly appointed member of the Blood Cats, I suggest we fill the guild chest.  I already have an idea of what we can do," Lance stated, "Dunzii, since you don't use magic I think you could shine in the arena. John, you and Stephonie will trade like usual.  Kurute and I can make money in our own way.  Finally, Fasnth...You can...Hunt I guess.  That isn't going to get lots of gold, but it will get materials."

"Give me the boring job," John said.

"Alright, break!" Lance shouted.

He got close to Kurute and the two disappeared in a flash of light.  Dunzii nodded, liking her job and jumped off the fort's dock, skydiving into the nearest town.  John sighed and mounted his dragon, Stephonie right behind hi. He took off toward the capital to sell some new product he made.  Fasnth just sat still, thinking back to the old days.  "Just like before, eh?" he said.

Fasnth looked at the bracelet that rarely left his wrist.  On the inside, three names were carved, however it was so worn that all you could make out were three J's.  The only thing that proved their existence.  Funny how new friends make the old ones fade away.

Fasnth started to tear up, but he shoved the accessory back onto his wrist, hiding the names and the feelings they carried.

Fasnth headed towards the dock and peered over the edge.  He grabbed his cloak and slipped into the void.  This allowed him to fall great distances without hurting himself.  When he landed the hunt began, starting with one unlucky elk.

Meanwhile, Dunzii was in the town, already signing up for the arena.  The rules were simple, first one knocked to the dirt lost, no magic, no killing, and the winner got what was decided at the beginning of the match.  She picked up her club and scratched her symbol on the sign ups.

"I feel bad for my opponents," Dunzii thought.

Kurute and Lance did whatever popped up.  Whether it be finding an item or silencing a loose end, they did it if the pay was good enough.  However, they stayed away from the ones dealing with Fasnth.  The two even went into casino's and gambled.  The sun started to set, so they returned to the flying fort.

Stephonie and John had just reached the capital.  They were selling a wide arrangement of goods, from potions to vegetables, weapons to traveling clothes.  The real big seller was information though.  When the shops closed, Stephonie held down the stand while John went "to deal with some business."

Fasnth had just finished the hunt as the moos rose high in the sky, surrounded by a cape of stars.  His inventory was full of game, already skinned, gutted, and cleaned.  He headed to the launch point.

A figure was there, leaning against the tree.  It was John.  "Fasnth, beautiful night tonight.  Better be careful of those trying to kill you.  Especially those close to you," he said.

With that he lifted his pistol and fired.  The shot struck Fasnth straight in the chest.  The heat drained from his body as blood flowed from the wound.  Fasnth just stared at John, and the smoke from his pistol.

"It is my last job, if you awake, you are damned lucky.  Though, what is the chance you recover from a fatal wound.  Say hello to my previous targets up there, alright?"

Fasnth collapsed his blood shining crimson in the moonlight.  He felt himself being drawn away from reality.  The moon was all he could see.  The moon created a wanting inside of him.  A message appeared in his vision.

"This doesn't have to be the end.  The world is big and death isn't the end."

The message seemed to come from the moon itself.

"I can grant you power, however, I will require payment.  You cannot kill any of my servents and you must become one of them."

"Who are you?" Fasnth croaked.

"Just your savior.  Is that a yes or no?"

"Alright, I have some unfinished business." Fasnth whispered, he didn't have the energy to say any more.

The darkness in the sides of his eyes closed in, now, only the faintest of moonlight could be seen.

A new power coursed through Fasnth's veins.  The blood around him poured back into the wound, swirling like it was magic.  Fasnth staggered to his feet.  He dipped his hand into the wound, drawing out a small amount of blood.  He waved his hand around, suddenly, a tree fell, chopped down in one motion.  Fasnth looked up to the moon and roared, wolves gathered around him and howled.

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