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"Gosh darn it!  Spells are so hard to remember," Fasnth said, failing to cast clairvoyance  for the tenth time, "Someone needs to create a dictionary."

It was about a week after Fasnth was attacked by the Administrator.  Fasnth was able to make a new cloak, this one was better at insulating heat and was stronger.  It was also surprisingly light.  The sword that was in his back was now polished and cleaned and the scar it left was starting to fade.

"Why is someone following me?" Fasnth thought.

A bush rustled and a man walked into the clearing.

"You aren't very good at concealing your thoughts," he said.

The man pulled out a darkfoarge steel dagger, the best right behind Godsteel.  The only drawback of the darkfoarge is it slowly made the user go insane.

"Hand over everything you've got," the man continued.

"Might I ask whom is robbing me?" Fasnth inquired.

"Slenkaal, the bandit chief!" the man exclaimed.


"The best bandit chief alive!  I caused thousands to die, the great third war, and the Slaughter of Update 1.0.10." Slenkaal said.

"Never heard of you," Fasnth deadpanned.

"I knew I should've left witnesses," Slenkaal muttered, "That doesn't matter!  Give me everything you have!"

"Does it look like I have anything?"

"You can't fool me, those ears give away a lot, Fasnth.  Leader of the only floating castle, kin to God, and Ultimate Ladykiller!" Slenkaal announced.

"That last part isn't my fault.  They just find the ears cute and can't resist," Fasnth said.

"Stop making me get off track!  Hand over your goods!"

"I don't think so.  Feim-Gron-Su-Slen!" Fasnth cast.

His body faded from sight and Fasnth leaped over the boughs as to not make noise.  He scanned the area and spotted a city close by.  He shifted to become a hawk and started his way towards the city.

"Curse You!" Slenkaal screamed at the sky.

One minute later...........................................

Fasnth strolled into town, his hood covering his eyes.  He walked into the first tavern he saw.

The tavern was lively, especially at this hour.  Food, sweat, and spilled wine were the prominent smells as Fasnth walked towards the counter.  He sat and ordered two house specials and the house wine.  The NPC conjured the food from behind him and took the gold coin Fasnth offered.

Fasnth searched the dining area while he ate, no bandits nor troublemakers.  Unless they started to use soap.  To his left was a burly man, most likely a miner and an NPC by the way he ate.  To his left was a woman, who seemed to eat nothing but dessert.

Fasnth downed his last mug of wine.  He beckoned the bartender over.

"I would like to buy a leather coat, please.  My wife would get mad if I catch a cold," Fasnth said.

"Come to the store room, pick out whichever you would like," the bartender replied, leading Fasnth out back.

"What information do you want?" the bartender asked.

"Three things, who is Slenkaal, where can I find the spell guild, and what is the word on the street about Fasnth," Fasnth said.

"That'd cost you one silver," the bartender said, holding out his hand.

Fasnth payed the man.

"Slenkaal apparently is a thief chieftain.  He never leaves any witnesses.  I heard he just killed a god, best stay away from him.  The spell guild is down the street to the right.  I heard Fasnth has just become a harem king.  Apparently he started the game showing off everything, claiming he was a god.  The NPCs and player women just can't keep their hands off him.  He also has a female slave in his guild that will do anything to get her soul back.  However, he isn't just looks and lust, he is also very proficient in battle.  He defeated an administrator, though he is also very dense when it comes to spells," the bartender said.

"I am not!  Uhh... not stupid.  How can a player defeat an administrator?" Fasnth asked.

"Find him and ask that," the bartender stated, walking back into the dining area.

Fasnth followed.  He was blushing.

"Harem king!  God my reputation has been tarnished!" he thought.

He sat back down in his stool and ordered six beers to hopefully forget all he had learned.

"A bit young to be drinking, eh," the woman next to him said.

"It's just a game," Fasnth replied.

"Is it?" she asked, "Or is it reality?"

"Does she know who I am?" Fasnth feared.

"What if, the 'real world' was just another game," She said, "one that you could logout of at any time?  Right?"

Fasnth bolted, or more like shoved his way out of the tavern.  He turned into an alley way, so most people would think he was drunk.  However, he made a u-turn and headed for the spell guild.

He calmly opened the door and forced a smile at the old lady that tended to the front desk.

"Name?" she asked.

"Joko," Fasnth replied.

"Ironic, I abandon one name only to start using it again as cover," Fasnth thought.

"How long?" the lady continued.

"One hour, and do you have any spell dictionaries for sale?" Fasnth asked.

"Words or spells?"


"I will get that for you then," the lady said, "Please wait here."

Fasnth took a seat at a table and started to memorize some new spells.  The lady came back.

"Last one, that will be five gold."

"You sure?" Fasnth asked.

"Good eye, it only costs four," the lady said.


They exchanged goods and parted ways.

Fasnth bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that," he said, "Let me help you up."

"Thank you, I believe we met, at the tavern?" she said.

Fasnth flushed.

"I believe we have, I couldn't catch your name," Fasnth said, trying to keep a calm exterior.

"I am Dunzii (Dune-zee), but I already know who you are, cat," she said.

"I knew there was something off, wolf," Fasnth replied.

"That makes a cat, a merchant, and a rabbit, all in one day," Dunzii responded.

"Merchant? Rabbit?  Where are they?" Fasnth asked.

"Hold it there, harem king, I do you a favor, you do me one," Dunzii said, "I tell you where your friends are, you take me back to my homeland."

She beckoned to switch to messages.

"I am not a harem king!!!!!!  also, where is your homeland? - Fasnth"

"Earth. - Dunzii"

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