Final Hour

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"So we agree that child labor laws should be lifted?" the head of labor asked.

"Aye," the room said.

"Now onto the subject of game currency.  Puzzle games are on the rise," the Head of Treasury stated, "I say we make the games worthless and increase taxes.  That way, we get more money.  I say we make card games the new most earning."

"No, card games are boring," a member said.

"How about dice or gambling games?" the Treasurer suggested.

The member spoke up again, "People already gamble.  It would profit them."

"You're right, we can't let that happen," Head of Defense said.

"How about shooters.  That way, we can stay up top and people will need to buy new consoles," The government head suggested.

"Great, that is why you are boss, I will announce this tomorrow," the Treasurer said.

"If we make it to tomorrow," the member from before said.

"Who are you to state such a thing?" the Head of Defense inquired.

"He is head of... medicine?  Mr. Dunwok, did you get plastic surgery?" the butler asked.

"Thank you for noticing," Mr. Dunwok said, "Haven't you heard of the uprising?  People disappear to some training camp to come back and assassinate us."

"I assure you we shut that down before they could get more than four people," the Head of defense said.

"Did you?"

"Yes, in fact, we raided their hideout the other day.  They are all dead," the Head of Defense stated.

"You missed a few."

"How many?"


"Mr. Dunwok" jumped from his seat, his top hat falling to the floor.  On the table was a young teenager, he had red hair and Feline ears.

"I am Fasnth, I am one of the rebels," Fasnth said.

"How bold," the government head said, "but I have my entire security, what do you have?  You don't even have a weapon."

Fasnth reached into his coat and brought out five cubes, each pure white.  He threw them up and splashed each with his blood.  Stephonie, Grunk, Lilang, Lance, and Dunzii landed on the table, each wielding a weapon, save Stephone and Grunk they had each other.  Dunzii was the first to pounce on the security.  She brought her club down on the first victim and swiped a foot at the next.  Lilang was right behind her, scythe swinging like a farmer.  Blood turned to mist as the members of the government were cut down.  Stephonie rode on Grunk's shoulder and ordered him to blockade the doors.  Grunk collapsed each doorway, leaving the ballroom completely isolated.  Grunk drove his mining drill through the enemies unlucky enough to get within range.  Stephonie focused on healing.  Lance fought opposite of Lilang, but their cooperation was evident.  They were completely in sync.  Fasnth was left with the Head of Government.

"Rebels, always ruining things," the government head said, shaking his head.

"Give up now," Fasnth stated.

"Not now, not ever," the man said, standing from his chair.

He unsheathed a sword from his cane and pressed a button that was under his desk.  A gas sprayed into the room.  Fasnth covered his mouth but the gas never affected him nor his allies.  The Members of the government rose, even the ones who were already dead.  Their muscle mass increased tenfold.  Their eyes glowed red as they charged at the rebels.

Fasnth turned back to the Chairman.  He two was more muscular.  "Now, let's make this fun!" He exclaimed.

Fasnth drew his sword of blood.  The Chairman acted first with an overhead swing.  Fasnth brought up his sword, however, the chairman broke through it without so much as a blink.  He laughed and swiped again, catching Fasnth across his face, nicking his eyebrow.

Fasnth brought his sword back out.  The chairman rained blow after blow, however, few actually hit.  Fasnth couldn't find an opening, the man was just too fast.

"Come on, you can't defeat him like that," a voice inside Fasnth's head stated.

"John?" Fasnth thought back.

"In your flesh!  You took me down, use the one thing he doesn't have," John said.

"Niir Zii Lok!" Fasnth cast.

He and the chairman were lifted from the mortal plane into the one of the sky.  The chairman looked surprised, but he shook the feeling off.

"Ru Maar Dun Toor Hun!" Fasnth cast.

All of his magika and strength was drained.  However, he was encased in a dragon's armor.  A sword appeared from an inferno.  It floated right into his hand.

"Fansy!" the chairman exclaimed.

The two locked swords, but the armor won over the drug.  Fasnth pushed the chairman back and stabbed his left leg.  Inside his head Fasnth was counting.  "Nine," he thought.The chairman got right up and thrust at Fasnth.  "Eight."  His sword pierced a joint but Fasnth just brought the sword in deeper, snapping it at the handle.  The chairman had a look of fear in his face.  "Seven." The chairman brought out two daggers and started to swing them like mad.  Fasnth parried all the attacks. "Six."  Fasnth slashed the chairman across his chest, exposing bone. "Five."  Fasnth Brought his sword down on the chairman's knuckles, breaking his fingers. "Four." The chairman fumbled with brass knuckles and struck Fasnth so hard, Fasnth's neck snapped and his head faced backwards.  The armor corrected the bone. "Three."  Wings sprouted from the armor and Fasnth flew into the sky. "Two." He came down, sword aiming for the Chairman's head. "One."

The sword in Fasnth's hand disappeared before hitting home, the armor went with it.  Fasnth landed on the chairman.  "Out of juice eh?" he said, bringing a fist into Fasnth's jaw.

All Fasnth could do was crawl away slowly.  "What can I give?" he thought, as the chairman lumbered toward him.

"Thus ends the rebellion!" The chairman exclaimed raising his fists.

He brought them down, to deliver a crushing blow, but cold metal pierced his heart.

"I couldn't agree more," Fasnth said.

The Dragon's sword had sprouted from Fasnth's arm.  A mixture of alchemy and summoning magic.  It drained the chairman's life force.

"Well played," the chairman wheezed, "It was fun while it lasted."

"Too bad you will never see the results," Fasnth replied.

"Such a shame," they both said.

The arena around them dissipated, leaving Fasnth in the sky.  The two plummeted towards Earth, both taking in the magnificent sight before closing their eyes.

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