Level Up

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"Ahh, finally a break!  I need to catch up on my naps," Fasnth said, tail twitching excitedly.

"Not yet, though we got lucky stumbling upon that wolf pack, there is something better, a dire wolf.  Their pelts go for extreme amounts of gold," John said.

"You know I am part cat right?"

"Yes, that is why you will be bait."


A minute later......

"How was I talked into this?" Fasnth thought.

He was once again stripped down, luckily he was able to keep his trousers.  A memory replayed in his head: 'Make it convincing,' John had said.

Fasnth meowed.  Then blushed and collapsed.

"This is embarrassing.  One day, John will pay.  I wonder if that is his real name," Fasnth said to himself, "Why me, why not someone else.  Not that I mind living in a game, but... it gets lonely.  John doesn't understand half of it."

He licked his hand and rubbed it on his head.

"That feels nice," he thought, "What am I doing!?  I'm still human, right?"

His body was covered in the red hair now.  It didn't look too bad, outlining his newly defined muscles.  "How long has it been since I was last in reality?  Let's see, There are equal hours of day and night, about twenty minutes to a rise or set.... Only three hours!"

(Fasnth experiences the days as days unlike us, we perceive minutes.  Time is relative after all.)

"This is exhausting.  Maybe if we had a priest that could resurrect I wouldn't be on edge as much."

The bushes rustled, Fasnth's hair stood on end.  He crouched low, ready to pounce or evade.   A bunny jumped out.  "Easy prey," Fasnth thought.

He grabbed the rabbit.  It squirmed and kicked, but Fasnth's grip wouldn't let up.  It finally calmed, and Fasnth brought it in.  It was warm, still quivering, and the heart was full of adrenaline.  He smelled the fear resonating from it's glands.  "These things sure are cute when they are scared," Fasnth said.

He could never bring himself to kill a rabbit, so he just kept one or two as a pet.  This bunny was especially rare.  It was pure white with gold eyes, an S class.

Another rustle in the bushes, however, it was no bunny, it was the dire wolf.

"Why can't I move?" Fasnth thought, taking in the size of it.

The wolf swiped with it's child size paw.  The bunny was flung from his arms and crashed into the undergrowth.  That did the trick.

"You hurt the innocent!" Fasnth yelled.

The dire wolf growled and barked.  Fasnth's ears felt like they would bust.  However, he roared like a pride of lions and charged the beast.

The paw came crashing down and Fasnth slid underneath.  He grabbed the wolf's tail and pulled hard.  The dire wolf yipped and lept above the trees to land opposite of Fasnth.  The two circled each other, looking for an opening.  Fasnth stumbled on a branch, giving the wolf the perfect opportunity.  It lunged and closed it's jaws around Fasnth.

"Gosh, I don't think my nose can take this," Fasnth said.

The toung was slimy and the wolf swallowed Fasnth whole.  Inside the stomach, it was surprisingly empty.  There was no digestive juices and food was no where to be seen, well except Fasnth.

"Odd," Fasnth thought, "That would mean this is a construct or... no way."

He paced the stomach and got an idea.  The ticked the stomach lining with his tail.  Sure enough a dry gaging was heard.  Fasnth appeared on the grass in front of the wolf.  He got up and jumped on the beast.  He looked through the fur of the dire wolf's shaking head until he found what he was looking for, a curse seal.  He used his dagger (it was always in his thigh scabbard) and cut the circle out.

The wolf howled and started to evaporate.  Fasnth jumped off and landed gracefully.  The beast collapsed and a person emerged from the head, a small nick was on his, her?, forehead.  Fasnth sat down and worked on a cloak of grass he was working on.   He knew it would take a while for the wolf to disappear.  Also, most were still hostile.  He completed it and a loud crash was heard.  Fasnth looked up to see a message, a level up message.  He was now level nine.  A chart descended from the sky and he chose to upgrade his beast mode, since the other stats and skills completely depended on him.

The wolf completely evaporated, leaving the pelt and the person inside.  He threw the cloak over the person as he gathered the pelt.  He sent the pelt to John, immediately he got a message back.

"I thought you died, - John"

"Can't get rid of me that easily, - Fasnth"

"Nice pelt, though. - John"

"You do not want to know what I went through. - Fasnth"

"Meet you at the base. - John"

"See you there. - Fasnth"

Fasnth searched the undergrowth for the bunny he lost earlier, sure enough, it was paralyzed with fear.

"Cute," Fasnth thought.

He looked at the humanoid form in the cloak he made.  It still wasn't awake.  Fasnth sighed and dragged it behind him, keeping the cloak over it.  He knew what most people would do if they saw him.

He walked through the forest and came to a lone tree in the clearing.  After knocking a secret code, a basket came from the boughs of the trees and Fasnth climbed inside with both bunny and person.  The basket reeled back and launched them to the Blood Cats floating fortress.

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