A small smile graced your lips as you turn to the women, "what's your secret?"

Polyusica gives you a sly, suspicious smile before shrugging her shoulders, her preference on people wasn't exactly a secret, "hate people long enough and they'll soon realise you do."

"And you hate everyone?"

Polyusica nods, she wasn't sure the last time she had a conversation with someone that lasted this long, "no one is an exception. Maybe the sick." Going around the room, Polyusica picks up some food for you to eat and places it on your lap. "Eat."

You glance down at the array of food on the plate, bland and solid, something to keep down without being too rich. You smile in thanks and start picking at the food. Despite waking up you were still tired, and repeatedly rubbed your eyes while she was watching you eat.

"You're quite young to have a hatred for people, most people don't realise until they're older. What's spurred your hatred?" Polyusica asked, curious beyond belief. You avoided the people of Fiore because you hated them, she would never have guessed.

"Trains," was your only response as you carried on eating.

Polyusica's eyes softened as she nods her head in understanding, "nosy bastards." You smile widely and nod your head. She turns and continues her previous work, satisfied that you were going to get better. "So you hate everyone too?" She asks from across the room, unable to keep her curiosity at bay.

"Well," she sighs, images of a certain dragon slayer filling your thoughts, "not every-" but before you could finish, the doors to the room burst open and an angry Laxus stood in the doorway. His eyes were cast downwards and he didn't notice you sitting up. "Always grumpy Sparky," you laugh, and continue picking at your food.

Immediately Laxus' head shot up and in a blur of yellow he as immediately in front of you and you were engulfed in a warm hug. Before you could respond, a loud 'ow' sounded in your ear. You felt Laxus' arm leave you and watched with amusement as Polyusica pulled Laxus away by his ear.

"She has just woken up! No man handling!"

"Alright, alright," Laxus' hissed in pain, "just get off me woman!" Polyusica lets go of Laxus' ear and dusts her hands on her skirts, as if she touched something disgusting and needed to clean her hands. "We need to leave anyway, apparently they have sources saying whoever tried to cast that spell is trying to find us. Lahar said we need to go into hiding."

Your eyes widen, but you nod in understanding, "but where will we go? Back to Iron-Birch?"

Laxus shook his head, "No. Whoever they were will think to look there. But I know a place, we'll be safe there until we get the all clear."

You sigh and nod your head, pushing the plate off your lap and turning your legs to hang them off the edge of the bed. It was the first time you noticed that your legs were bare, and you were wearing a night dress. You glance between the two of them, trying to figure out who changed you and what happened to your clothes.

"I put your clothes inside the changing room for when you woke up," Polyusica said, point a bony finger towards the white, shadowed curtains in the corner of the room. You mentally sighed in relief that Laxus didn't change you and swallowed the blush the threatened to build. On the outside you nodded and started to stand on wobbly legs.

When your feet hit the floor you cringed at the cold that rippled through your body, the cold tiles a stark contrast to the warm blankets. Your knees buckled together, as you pushed yourself off of the bed but somehow, you managed to stay standing.

You took a step forward and stumbled, Laxus held his arms out but you managed to catch yourself. You quickly get used to walking again and quickly shuffle over towards the changing area. Relived to see some familiar clothes.

Laxus smiled to himself as he watched you walk away, bursting with relief that you were not only up but walking and ready to go. He glanced at Polyusica who was holding out a small purple vial to him. The contents unknown but he could guess what it was for.

"Have her drink this tomorrow and she should be fine."

Laxus nodded his head and took the vial just as you walked out from behind the curtain, "I folded the dress thing and left it there," you told Polyusica, "I never, ever thought I'd see the day I would wear one of those."

"Why?" She asks, "what do you usually sleep in?"

"My clothes," you tilted your head confused, doesn't everyone usually sleep in their clothes?

Polyusica shook her head but didn't question you. Who was she to judge the way someone lived their life.

Laxus glanced between the two of you before he started walking towards the door, "I'm going have to break up your little conversation because we have to go."

You nod your head and stretch your already aching limbs, "looks like I'll have to cast a floating cloud spell," you yawn.

"Nope," Polyusica orders, "no magic, not until you're back to full strength."

Your mouth falls open at the prospect of walking everywhere. You hated walking, almost as much as your hated taking the train. Why was everyone so against you doing anything but walking. You nod your head and hold back the groan as you slowly start to walk towards the door. Polyusica didn't even say goodbye as you shut the door behind you but the look in her eyes told you enough.

'Be safe'.

Storm Chasers (Laxus x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora