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"Lestrade!" both you and Sherlock screamed at the same time."

"No need to shout, I'm right behind the both of you."

"Sorry" you said smiling.

"Not sorry" Sherlock said rolling his eyes.

"Her identity card" the both of you said at the same time.


"NOW!" Sherlock said impatiently.

"Bring the other victims ones too please, Greg" you said just before he turned around and went to look for what you had asked for.

"No need to be so rude Sherlock" you said.

"No need to be so nice honey" he said rolling his eyes just before Greg came back to the both of you.

"I still don't understand why you need this" he said handing one of the victim's ID while he handed Sherlock the other two. You looked fastly inspecting for the birth date.

"Pisces" you said.

"Aries and Taurus" he answered.

"Mine was the first victim" you said.

"Yeah it's chronologically logical."

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is happening?" Greg said hurriedly.

"Horoscope" Sherlock said as it explained itself.

"The victims were killed depending on their zodiacal sign. The last victim was Pisces, the second one Aquarius and the first one Capricorn, so the next one is probably going to be Aries."

"How did you?"

"The elements" Sherlock answered. "Each zodiacal sign belongs to an element, Water, Air, Land or Fire. At the left of every victim there was a certain element which lead me to think it had something to do with the horoscope."

"And I'm rather sure that if you inspect the other victim's throats you will find a certain mineral, with the pisces victim I found amethist, the zodiacal's sign mineral. It's supposed to lead the carrier of the mineral to success."

"I'm going to call Molly. See if she found anything." Lestrade said just before turning around.

"Sherlock... Why would the murderer start with Capricorn... It's not logical... He only would do it if..."

"If he was the sign just before Capricorn" he cut you off.

"Sagittarius. But then it would mean that... That the last victim is going to be a Sagittarius. Do you think that he is actually going to..."

"He is egoistical, he wants his victims to be a show... he wants to show the world he is cleverer than the rest of us... he leaves little clues so that we follow them... He wants to mock us by leaving us keys just before our eyes, so that we don't see them. He does this for fame, he wants to be remembered judging by his act... That's why he kidnaps people, he wants to ensure we know he is not done... he hasn't finished with them, they harmed the mothers killing them and he is going to keep harming them by killing their daughters."

"But that kind of person doesn't commit suicide... They love themselves too much."

"Unless he is doing this for something else than just joy"

"I don't think it's revenge... He wouldn't use the horoscope... Unless... he is mad at the whole world."

"He hates the society so he chooses one person of each group."

"Why the horoscope?" you asked biting your lip.

"Why not? It's a show, he wants it to be magical..."

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