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"Do you want to do something now?" you asked him once you sat on the car. "If you have something to do I can go back to college..." you told him.

"No, darling. I would rather spend my  afternoon with you... Besides they said I had my afternoon free, I'm going to enjoy it. As long as you want of course..."

"Of course I do" you said and then you both remained silent for some minutes. "I still can't believe my cousin made the English Government play twister" you said bursting out laughing.

"Me neither" he said trying to hold back some inapropiate comments about the closeness you both had experienced during the game.

"Where are we going?" you asked him.

"I thought we could maybe go for a walk..." he said.

"I would love to"

"How do you go with your exams?" he asked you.

"Okay... or so I hope. I think I know almost everything I need to for the exams... They are going to be hard though... The other day the college's principal asked me to meet with him in his office and told me that if I manage to pass the exams with my average marks a couple of places are interested in me... I hope it goes well" you said laying you head against the seat and sighing.

"That's wonderful darling, I'm sure you will do everything you want to" he told you.

"On purpose, can you tell me now what were those men asking you?"

"Hum... some inapropiate questions..."

"May I know what questions?" you asked him quirking your eyebrow.

"When were we going to marry... For how long had we been together and..."



"Mycroft" you said sharply.

"If we had... intimated" he said.


"You know..."

"Did they really ask you that?" you said scandalized.

"Let's say they are highly interested in my private life" he said.

"What did you tell them?" you asked. Immediately you regreted your question.

"The truth" he said.

"Of course" you said blushing due to your stupid question.

"They don't really believe I am capable of feeling something for someone... yet..."

"Well I'm sure you will manage to convince them" you said looking through the window.

"They... they want to meet you..."

"Then we will have to make our relationship convincing won't we?" you said still refusing to look at him.

"We are here sir" a voice from the front of the car said. You stepped out of the car and waited for Mycroft to come to your side. He held your hand and started walking into a park. You had never been there but you had to admit it was a quite charming place. It had something that made you feel it wasn't just a normal park, the trees and everything had something that created a magical sensation.


"Yes Mycroft?"

"I know we just met four days ago... and that we did know each other in a rather strange way, but I couldn't be happier right now. You have made something to me, I am not able to be myself when you are around, I just keep acting differently that what I do around other people. You have made me change, and though I would have never believed it, I needed you. I didn't know it but you are everything I could have asked for and probably you don't feel the same but I will try to pay you back for the sacrifice you are making. It mustn't be easy for you but I promise I'll do my best to make you feel as you deserve. Uhm... My father used to tell me when I was younger that the woman you marry must folow this three requirements:

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