Can't we have a normal date?

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You were in the book shop with Mycroft, you had walked in the book shop some time ago and he had laughed when you sat on the floor reading the synopsis of all the books you had chosen. He thought it was funny to see you like that. He found amazing you could be so polite and mature and so childish at the same time. He didn't recognise himself, it had been a very long time since he had laughed or smiled. He usually just smirked but when he was with you it was different. He hadn't had free days for a lot of time but since he had met you he had been finding himself time to be able to see you. You hadn't been alone in a proper date though, he was surprised about the behaviour you had managed to have the night before, he was glad that people had liked you. It wouldn't be good if they hadn't.

He wouldn't admit it but he was, in some way glad that they had forced him to marry someone. As long as that someone was you...

He was watching you read while a lock of your hair fell above your eyes, which bothered you and you brushed it off. He didn't mind waiting for you and he was just standing there feeling quite happy when his phone rang. He sighed and got his mobile phone. Someone was calling him, that was strange, people usually texted...

"Excuse me I have to answer this call" he said. You just looked at him smiled and nooded. He turned around and took some steps getting far from you.

"Mycroft honey" the voice said from the other side and Mycroft sighed.

"Yes mother?" he answered.

"Do you know if Sherlock is alright? I called him a few times and he didn't answer."

"You know he never answers his calls." Mycroft said sighing.

"I texted him too. I'm worried. He has been acting weird lately"

"Mother... it's Sherlock, he always acts weird..."

"Yes I know but... what if something has happened to him?"

"What do you want me to do Mother?" Mycroft said rubbing his temple.

"Can you go to check on him?" she said trying to make her voice sweet and convincing.

"But mother I'm in a d..." but she cut him off.

"You are always in meetings Mycroft. I'm honestly worried, I want to be grandmother you know? I don't think England will disappear if you go spend fifteen minutes checking on your brother."

"As a matter of fact mother... I'm on  a date..." Mycroft said.

"With who?"

"A girl"

"A girl??? Oh Mycroft! Why didn't you tell me? When can I meet her? Is it a serious relationship? Am I seeing a wedding soon? And what about grandsons? How is she?" the woman asked almost screaming out of happiness.

"I'm glad you're happy mother. You will meet her soon, and yes of course it's a serious relationship. And yes, probably you'll see a wedding soon."

"Have you proposed already?"

"Kind of... but not yet" he said.

"Oh I'm so excited to meet her!" the woman said. "You can make her meet Sherlock already! So you can check on him too..."

"Alright mother..." he said.

"Can you come to have dinner next weekend?"

"I will ask her."

"By the way Mycroft... how old is she?"

"Uhm... way younger than me..."

"Well honey... it doesn't matter as long as you are happy" she said.

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