A Bad Thing? By: LeaSUP

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Kaydence: This is Fairy Tail reacts to NaLu. Welcome back people! Today's special guest is Lu- *screams* WHAT THE HELL?

Lea: *stroking Natsu's hair* AYE SEXY!

Kaydence: I TOLD YOU TO STOP DOING THAT YOU BITCH! *kicks Natsu off set*

Lea: What my STUPID friend was trying to say is, our special guest star is Lu-chan herself! *eats cheeseball*

Lucy: *enters set*


Lea: Kaydence, I need the fake applause button.

Kaydence: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

Lea: Lucy, *gets kicked by Kaydence* will be reading... A Bad Thing?- LeeSUP (a NaLu Fanfiction) *passes out*

Lucy: What's NaLu?

Kaydence: You'll find out... VERY SOON... *evil laugh*

Fairy Tail Reacts to NaLu fanfics - A Bad Thing? By LeeSUP


Her apartment had been burnt to a crisp.

This was bad enough, forgetting to mention the fact the certain dragon slayer who was at fault had even had the guts to tell her that this is why she should have fire resistant curtains right after he had set them ablaze.

Forgetting to mention the fact the fire department and her landlady had handed her enormous bill afterwords.

She had never been this mad at someone before. It was two o'clock in the morning when she came home, Natsu was there...juggling flames and ended up setting the house on fire.

The last hour had been spent yelling at him in front of what had been her beautiful house.

He just stood there and took it, straight faced. Happy had long ago flown away terrified, probably off to Carla's house.

But Natsu stayed and let her empty her emotions on him, which involved a few slaps and one kick but mostly words. Words pumped full of anger and hatred towards a stupid idiot that couldn't control himself and never cared about anyone else other than himself.

"I mean you seriously don't give a shit about me do you!" She screamed at him.

For some reason this one made him flinch, recoil only slightly. Nothing she had screamed before had done anything close to that but...she almost felt something switch inside of him.

His eyes bore into hers so intensely for a moment she stuttered and stopped yelling.

The only lighting they had right now was the moonlight and a few lamp posts and once she had quieted down she realized how exhausted she was. It had been a tough day and she hadn't been happy even before heading home. Her home burning down had just been the cherry on top.

"Come." Natsu barely muttered, taking her hand and pulling her behind him as he briskly walked away.

"W-what? Where are we going?" Lucy asked surprised, suddenly torn from her awful mood.

"You need somewhere to sleep don't you?" Natsu responded, his grip never loosening. Her eyebrow raised for a moment in question until she recognized the route they were taking.

"Your house? What makes you think I want to be anywhere near you right now! Just let me call up Cana or someone." Lucy grumbled, but she didn't pull away it was late it would be rude to wake them up if it wasn't necessary. She felt Natsu's grip tighten slightly, it wasn't uncomfortable but...

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