Flowers by FairyOTP

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Kaydence: Hello I am your host, Kaydence, and this is... WHAT THE HELL, LEA?

Lea: H-Hey... *drinking keg of Root Beer*

Kaydence: IS THAT BEER? *sweat dropping*

Lea: No, it's Root Beer! *drinking keg like Cana*

Kaydence: Anyways, Welcome to Fairy Tail reacts to NaLu fanfiction!


Lea: You forgot to hit the fake applause button, Kaydence!

Kaydence: Shut up and drink your Root Beer! *hits fake applause button* Anyways, our special guest star is... Flamebrain himself! *fake applause button*

Natsu: Why am I here again? Why isn't Happy here? *looks confused*

Kaydence: You're reading some NaLu! *applause button*

Natsu: What's NaLu?


Natsu: ...

Kaydence: Knock it off you pervert! Anyways, the Fanfiction is titled FLOWERS BY FAIRYOTP. It's amazing.

And start!

"Hey, Natsu! You look a little upset!" Happy yelled, as the pink-haired mage looked down at his sandals.

They walked down a trail, dotted with colorful flowers. There was a lake at the end, where you could find fish that tasted like a piece of heaven.

"I feel like I'm missing something, something vital," Natsu sighed. He felt lonely, even though he had Happy with him.

Lucy went on a job a few days ago by herself. She should have returned the next day, but she didn't. Natsu wanted to look for her, but Happy said no.

"You miss Lucy, don't you?" Happy giggled. He was planning something. Something big. He had always seen the way the two acted towards one another. Natsu loved being around Lucy. He would break into her apartment, follow her around, and go on jobs with her. He hated seeing her cry, or being upset in general. If someone made her cry, they would get a nice punch in the gut. However, unlike Lucy, Natsu was just too dense to recognize his feelings. He wouldn't know love if it smacked him straight in the face. Lucy loved Natsu, and Happy knew it. Lucy blushed just at the sight of him, and she'd get embarrassed if someone would joke about it.

"I guess so, I mean, I hope she's okay," Natsu sighed. He knew that Lucy was strong, but he'd never really let Lucy go on her own before. Happy smirked at the fact that Natsu was worried. He wanted to give out a small, "You liiiike her," but didn't do it. It would kill his plan, and he couldn't let that happen.

They continued walking down the trail. They soon saw a shimmering light grow bigger with each step.

"We're here! We're really here!" Happy exclaimed looking... well happy... He had to put his plan in action.

They both sat down, and Happy handed Natsu a fishing pole. Happy went toward a group of beautiful flowers and began to work. He had read this in Sorcerer Weekly, that a certain type of flowers had the power to make someone "undensified".

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