Grand Theft Autumn - NovaHD/ImmortalAnex

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Where is your boy tonight?

I hope he is a gentleman

Maybe he won’t find out what I know

You were the last good thing about this part of town

            I was better for him. I knew it. Everyone knew it, except, it seemed, Aleks himself. He remained oblivious to the fact that their relationship was slowly spiraling down the drain. I knew that given the opportunity, I could make Aleks see what was going wrong, and then he could make the right decision. Even if he thought the right decision wasn’t with me, he would still be happier.

But James had other ideas. Never was I ever allowed to be alone with Aleks, even recording-wise. There always had to be another person. That person was normally James. It frustrated me to no end. Did James not care about Aleks’s happiness? I already knew the answer to that. Of course James didn’t care about Aleks. He never did. But he made everyone believe it. Only now, people were starting to see through that illusion. It was blatantly obvious to everyone that James was simply using Aleks. Only Aleks didn’t see it – or maybe he chose not to believe it?

You need him

I could be him

I could be an accident, but I’m still trying

And that’s more than I can say for him

One day, I’ll call Aleks and tell him. One day, when I stop waking up at 4 PM only half dressed. One day, I’ll make Aleks realise that he hates James more than he realises. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to make him realise that I’m better for him. I mean, maybe I’ll mess up, but at least I’m trying. And that’s more than anything James has ever done.  

A knock on the door pulled me unceremoniously out of my thoughts. Grumbling slightly as I walked to the door, I pulled it open to find myself face to face with none other than Aleks himself. I drew back, surprised. What was he doing here at this hour? It was almost midnight. And James wasn’t with him either. Something’s up.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He shook his head. I stepped back immediately, letting him walk in.

“So,” I said as I shut the door behind him. “Where is your boy tonight, then?” I flashed a small smile, trying to lighten the oddly dark mood.

He just grimaced. “Out,” he answered. His voice sounded hoarse.

“Aleks… What did he do to you?” I could feel the anger bubbling inside me, but I subdued it. Right now, Aleks was the only person that mattered. I’d deal with James later.

“He said he was going out. Something about a girl.”

That stopped me. James was cheating on Aleks? With a girl? “What?” I asked, surprised.

“You heard me.”

“I’m sor –“

“Don’t say it. I’m better off without him, right?” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

“That’s absolutely right, Aleks. You need him, though, and there’s no point in pretending right now that you don’t care about him, because everyone knows how much you do.”

He turned away, walking into the living room. I followed him, sitting next to him on the couch. ‘You need him,’ I thought to myself. ‘And I could be him.’

“What do I do, Kevin?” He seemed on the verge of tears.

“Break up with him before he breaks up with you. Don’t let him get that satisfaction.”

“But I need – “

“Yes, you need him. I could be him. Uh, I mean…” I can’t believe I let that slip out.  Worst possible moment.

He looked at me sharply. “What?”

I sighed. I couldn’t really hide it now. “You need him, that’s established. But if you wanted, when he’s gone, I could… I could… I mean, I could be a mistake on your part, but at least I’m trying to make you happy, and that’s more than I can say for him.” I spoke to my hands, which were resting in my lap.

Suddenly, I became aware that someone was sitting right in front of me. I made myself look up to see Aleks’s eyes. He was so close that they were all I saw. Before I could register what was happening, his lips were on mine and we were kissing. My eyes closed and I was finally able to savour what never should have been James’s in the first place. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer. Then, as suddenly as it had started, it stopped. Aleks pulled away, moving to the far end of the couch, looked embarrassed and… guilty? No, he can’t feel guilty, not after what James has been doing to him.

“We can’t… I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.” He scratched the back of his neck, stuttering as he spoke.

“No, Aleks, don’t be sorry. What does it matter what you do now? James has done worse, hasn’t he? Besides, it’s not like he’ll ever find out about this, right?” My tone surprised me. It was cold. “It’ll happen, and you’ll realise it was a rebound, and we’ll end up never speaking about it again.”

He looked sad, and I immediately felt guilty. “Aleks, I didn’t mean… I’m sorry.”

“I get it,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not the one who should be apologising, Kevin. I’ve been too wrapped up in James to notice how much someone else loves me the way he should have.”  He moved closer to me again. “Won’t find out?” He scoffed. “It’s going to be the first thing I tell him when he gets back…”


just want to say when i read this over i started the song when i started reading and it was absolutely perfect the song ended just as i finished reading if that isnt mad skills then idk what is 

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