The Answers and the Cure to Dying Alone

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He paced nervously the length of the room. It proved quite futile as the size and the mess had him maneuvering awkwardly around everything. After about five minutes, he gave up pacing and sat at his desk, twiddling his thumbs anxiously, trying to distract himself from what he was about to do.

            He heard the doorbell ring, and, all but flying from his chair, was halfway down the stairs before the noise had even completely faded. He all but skidded to a halt by the front door, self-consciously giving himself a once-over as he looked at the small mirror on the wall. He fiddled momentarily with his hair for a moment before realising how useless it was and turned to the door. He breathed deeply, readying himself.  He opened the door.

            One look into the other’s eyes, seeing the smile in them, and all his worries melted away instantaneously, as if the man outside had some sort of repellant to all things unsavoury. They smiled at each other, and he moved back, opening the door wider to allow the other to enter. He pushed the door closed.

            Aleks smiled. “What was it you wanted to ask?” He questioned, his tone light.

            Though nervous, Kevin allowed himself a small smile: Aleks hadn’t yet realised. “Later. Come with me.” Kevin took Aleks’s hand and pulled him to the living room, sitting them both down on the couch. They sat as they always did: Not too close but not too far. Kevin couldn’t but move slightly closer than normal. Aleks didn’t mind.

            “What’s the plan, then?” Aleks asked.

            Kevin shook his head. “There isn’t one. Let’s just talk for a while.”

            “About what?”

            Kevin shrugged. “Everything.”

            “Well…” Aleks began thoughtfully.

            And there they sat for several hours, talking about everything and nothing all at once. Outside, the sun began to set and the sky went from blue to red to orange to darkness. The stars and the moon lit the world, creating beautifully brilliant patterns in the sky, but neither of them noticed or cared. Only when Kevin happened to glance at the clock did he notice it was nearly midnight.

            “Oh!” He cried, jumping up.

            “What’s wrong?” Aleks asked, looking at the other in confusion.

            Kevin, who had been hurrying to the stairs, suddenly stopped and smiled.

            “Absolutely nothing is wrong, Aleks. Would you mind waiting for me outside in the backyard?”

            Aleks was confused, but he obeyed nonetheless. He walked through the kitchen and out into the fenced in backyard. He looked around for something out of the ordinary, or perhaps somewhere in which Kevin could be hiding, reading to jump out and scare him. But he saw nothing suspicious.


            The Russian turned to see Kevin standing in the doorway, smiling radiantly.

            “Kevin, what’s -?”

            Kevin walked over, raising a finger to his lips. Without pausing, when he reached Aleks, Kevin leaned over and captured Aleks’s lips swiftly with his own. Aleks responded immediately, despite his confusion to the odd setting. When they broke apart, Aleks opened his mouth to ask once more what was going on, but again, Kevin spoke before he had the chance.

            “Aleks… I’ve been wondering for weeks and weeks how to word this perfectly, but… I can’t think of anything. But I’ll try my best.” He paused, gauging Aleks’s reaction. A glint had appeared in the Russian’s eyes and he nodded, encouraging Kevin on. “I love you. You know that. And you love me, I know. I wouldn’t change those two facts for anything. Something we both know.

            “I also know that you are everything to me, and even if our relationship was strictly friends only, you would still be the most important person in my life. You are what I’ve been waiting for. You are all I dream of. You are extraordinary. You have helped me through so much and you have changed me for the better. Thinking back to many questions I used to ask myself… you are the answer, Aleks. You’re my answer. You’re my cure to dying alone.

            “And now, Aleks, you must give an answer. To my question.” Reaching into his pocket, Kevin pulled out a simple yet elegant black velvet ring box. “You need answers, too. Can I be yours? Am I your cure? Aleks.” Kevin knelt before Aleks, whose hands had flown to his mouth.

            “Will you marry me?” 


Fun fact, when I first wrote this I hated it with a burning passion. Tonight, I reread it and I almost cried which either means it's really good or I'm just really lame. (Probably the latter.) In all honesty though, on the actual sheet of paper on which I wrote this, I've added a little comment on the bottom of the page that just says, "This is so fucking gay holy shit" which is true. 

Yep. Enjoy.

P.S. now that we know Kevin reads almost all the fanfics he's in, Kevin, if you're reading this: Hi. Also fuk u.

P.P.S. sorry for OoC-ness. pls forgiv

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