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Kevin was, frankly, exhausted. PAX could do that to a person. He was grateful to finally get back to the hotel room that night. He shrugged out of his clothes and, not bothering with pyjamas, flopped none too gracefully onto the bed, too tired to even think about the covers.

Aleks came out of the bathroom then, and stopped short at the sight of a nearly naked Kevin in his bed. He assumed that this was because of Kevin being too exhausted to notice he'd gone into the wrong room. Either that, Aleks thought with a smirk, or Kevin was finally making some attempt to resolve some of the sexual tension they'd been building up since they met.

No matter Kevin's intentions (or slight mistakes), Aleks didn't mind. He grabbed his pyjamas quietly, not nearly as tired as Kevin, and went back to the bathroom to change.

He snuck back into the room and, holding back laughter, charged onto the bed, dropping down next to Kevin.

Kevin's eyes flew open in surprise as he went up into the air. He didn't hear Aleks laughing till he was on the floor.

"What the --?" Was all Kevin had time to say before he tumbled, and it was then that he heard Aleks's telltale, trademark laughter that sounded almost rasping from the bed above him.

"Aleks?" Kevin asked, confused, peering up over the edge of the bed. "What are you doing in my room?"

"This is my room, dude," Aleks choked out between laughter. "Our keys must've gotten switched or something. You should've seen your face, oh my god."

"You fucker," Kevin muttered. He stood up slowly, remembering with minor embarrassment that he was only wearing boxers. "I, uh, I guess I'll..." He started towards the door, ignoring the fact that his clothes were still on the ground.

"Just stay, dude, don't worry about it," Aleks said, finally having calmed down. A bit. He was still giggling.

Kevin gave Aleks an odd look but said nothing, opting instead to crawl back onto the bed. This time he pulled the covers over himself and nearly fell asleep right away. He really was tired.

He felt the bed shift next to him and opened his eyes a sliver to see Aleks getting comfortable before reaching over and switching the lamp off.

Faced with the reality that Aleks was now in bed with him, Kevin could feel his tiredness slipping away to be replaced with something else. He sighed.

"You okay?" Aleks mumbled.

"Yeah," Kevin whispered back.

"Can't sleep?" Aleks asked knowingly.

"It's been like two mintues," Kevin protested, though they could both hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah and like three seconds ago you were so tired you fell into my bed," Aleks pointed out.

"Could you make that sound more sexual?" Kevin asked with a snicker.

"I dunno dude. Do you want me to?"

Kevin went to reply, to keep their banter (flirting?) going but the meaning of what Aleks just said hit him and he was nearly shocked. He fell silent.

"Kevin?" Aleks asked after a moment. "Goddamnit, of all the times for you to fall asleep," he mumbled as an afterthought. He rolled over, shutting his eyes.

Kevin shifted forward so he was right behind Aleks. He could have been cuddling him. But Kevin kept his distance, careful not to touch Aleks - not yet, anyway. He didn't want Aleks to know he was right there.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He whispered, right in Aleks's ear, pleased with his revenge.

Aleks all but squealed as he shot forward, nearly tumbling off the bed. Kevin grabbed him by the waist though, and pulled him back so that they were pressed together.

"Got you," Kevin said, laughing.

"You're a dick, dude," Aleks answered, but he was laughing too. He relaxed, leaning back into Kevin.

It didn't take them long to fall asleep after that.


fucking shit at titles, that's all i am honestly

also no i didn't edit this I hope it's good?

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