Scattered, Gathered - ImmortalAnex

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the title's not really to do with the thing, but, you know...


Aleks sighed, sitting on the sofa, face buried in his hands.

Sly, Eddie, his best friend for so many years. Moved to the other side of the country.

He wasn't gone forever, it wasn't like they'd never speak again, it wasn't as if he was severing all ties with the Creatures. None of that would happen, but it was certainly understandable that Aleks was sad. A humourless laugh escaped his lips.

Sad? It seemed like such an understatement at this time.

"Aleks? Where are you?" Kevin's voice drifted through the apartment.

"I'm on the couch," Aleks replied quietly after a moment.

Kevin walked in and sat next to him. He understood why Aleks was so sad; In truth, he was that sad himself, as he considered Eddie to be one of his closest friends. He knew, however, that Aleks's friendship with the Latino was one that could rival all others.

There wasn't much Kevin could do at this point. Not much, but not nothing, either. He put his arm around Aleks's shoulders and pulled him close. Aleks started shaking lightly and it didn't take long for Kevin to realise he was crying.

[some things where kevin comforts aleks in a way that doesn't make aleks feel sadder idk i dont know how to make people feel better lmao]

"Dance with me," Kevin said, standing up and taking hold of Aleks's hand.

"What?" Aleks asked, bewildered as he allowed himself to be pulled up.

"Dance with me."


Kevin pulled out his phone and hit play - he'd prepared for this, as Aleks realised when soft music started playing through the speakers around their apartment. Kevin turned up the volume a little bit and offered his hand to Aleks.

"May I have this dance?" He asked in a very cheesy voice bc face it that's what he'd probably do.

Aleks tried in vain to fight the small smile that crawled onto his face, but it was there anyway. He accepted Kevin's hand and they began to dance slowly around their cramped living room. The song playing was a relaxing one and Aleks let his forehead rest on Kevin's shoulder, letting his eyes fall shut. Kevin rested his head on the top of Aleks's, holding him tightly. They weren't really dancing, more just hugging and swaying standing up. nerds.

"Thank you," Aleks murmured when the first song faded into the second.

"Any time," Kevin answered.


yeah. I tried to make a happy thing in an attempt to lighten the mood? I don't know. I hope you enjoyed it, and let me mention that the music was some calming, relaxing instrumental stuff, and nothing by Stuck In Your Radio, because, y'know, that'd probably make Aleks feel worse. <3

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