Soulmates (1) - ImmortalAnex

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soulmates 1 because i found a post with a bunch of different soulmate related stories and i cant think of good titles so there

not soulmates (1) bc there's gonna be a part two because there isn't


Aleks lived in a world where everything was black and white.  No, literally, he did not see any colours.

The universe in which he lived was one where no one saw colours until they met their soulmate. Aleks was  21 years old and so far, things were as they always had been since he was born. Some of his friends had met their soulmates and it was always interesting trying to get them to explain what colours looked like.

He was about to go on a walk when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He greeted, slipping his coat and shoes on.

"Aleks! Aleks, guess what!" An excited voice on the other side said.

"What is it, Eddie?" Aleks walked to the door, pushing it open and stepping outside. It was colder than he'd anticipated. He stepped back in and grabbed a beanie, placing it haphazardly on his head.

On the other end of the line, Eddie took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm at the store and I was just walking around when suddenly everything changed. Aleks! I can see colours! My soulmate must be nearby!"

"Oh, wow," Aleks said, happy for his friend. Eddie was a couple of years older than he was and was more than anxious to meet his soulmate. "Why did you call me, then? I mean, not that I don't want to talk to you," he added hastily.

"Because I don't know where..." Eddie trailed off. His voice got quieter. "Hello," Aleks heard him say, the word morphing into a nervous giggle at the end.

Aleks smiled, happy for his friend, and hung up. He pocketed his phone and kept walking. He had no real destination in mind, but he just felt the need to get out of the house for a while.

Aleks would never admit this, but he was insanely jealous of his friends of the same age who were finding their soulmates. Slowly, it seemed, one by one they would forget about him,  because really, why wouldn't you put your /soulmate/ in front of everyone else?

Aleks kept his head high, however. He knew that one day he would find his soulmate, and unbeknownst to him, that day was today, and it was the reason for which he was currently walking aimlessly. His mind wandered, wondering about everything and nothing as his thoughts drifted from this to that to the other.

He wondered what Eddie's soulmate was like. Would she hate Aleks? Would she be the type that made Eddie forget about him to spend all of his time with her? He hoped not. Eddie was one of his best friends, and he didn't want to lose him like that. Or at all, for that matter.

His phone rang, pulling him from his thoughts again. It was Eddie again.

"ALEKS!" Eddie yelled, and Aleks pulled his phone away from his ear to avoid going deaf.

"I can hear you just fine, y'know, you don't have to shout," Aleks said, smiling.

"Well, gee, sorry for being excited about meeting my SOULMATE!"

"That's another thing, why are you calling me when you have your soulmate to talk to? What's she like, anyway?"

There was silence on the other end of the line. "My soulmate... My soulmate isn't a girl."

"Oh," Aleks said, moderately surprised. "Sorry, dude. What's he like, then?"

Aleks could practically hear Eddie's smile. "He's great. He's a sarcastic fuck, though," Eddie added, giggling.

"Who, me?" Another voice asked from the other end of the line. "No way..."

Aleks couldn't help but grin. "So are you going to tell me his name or what?"


"Well, it was lovely, uh, 'meeting' him, but I've really got to -- Oof!" Aleks crashed almost mercilessly into someone and nearly fell over. He shut his eyes, bracing himself for when he hit the ground, but he felt two arms grab him before he did.  He opened one eye hesitantly, and something was different but he couldn't quite tell what it was.

"Shit, sorry, are you okay?" A voice asked, and Aleks assumed that it was the voice of the guy who'd grabbed him.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine," Aleks replied, straightening himself up.  His eyes were open now as he looked at the guy who'd grabbed him.

For a few seconds, they were both silent, stuck in their own minds as they tried to piece together what was different with the world. Simultaneously, the realisation struck them and they stared at each other in a new light.

"Uh, I'm," Aleks stuttered. "Sorry for running into you."

"It's fine," the man said with a smile. His voice didn't seen to match his face. "I'm Kevin."


"ALEKS!" A tinny voice shouted suddenly, and Aleks and Kevin both jumped, looking for the source of the noise. Aleks realised his phone was still in his hand.

Instead of lifting it to his ear, he put it on speakerphone.  "Eddie? Sorry about that, I, uh, bumped into someone."

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay," Eddie said, sounding relieved. "I thought you got mugged," he added, giggling.

"Not quite," Aleks said, shooting a grin at Kevin, who had laughed a little at Eddie's comment.

"Who was --?" Eddie began, but Aleks cut him off.

"Hey, I'll tell you later," Aleks said. "I've got to go, sorry."

"Aw, okay."

"Have fun with your soulmate," Aleks said, and then bit back a grin as he added, "I know I will." Before hanging up.

Eddie pulled the phone away from his ear when Aleks hung up, looking at it in surprise. "Motherfucker," he muttered.


this is a piece of dumb

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