Aleks Jr?

205 12 1

I love this prompt so much oh my goodness


Kevin's phone buzzed, alerting him that it was 5.30. Time to start getting dinner ready. Or, rather, time for him to remind Aleks to get dinner ready. They alternated. They had to have alarms though: When they were recording or editing they tended to lose track of time and now that they had a kid in the house, they couldn't be as neglectful as they had once been. Back when they were younger.

"Aleks!" Kevin called as he unlocked his phone, turning the alarm off.

"Yeah, dad?" A small voice questioned as the kid wandered into the room.

Kevin turned in his seat, the wheels rolling forward slightly as he smiled at his son.

"Oh, not you," he said quietly, ruffling the boy's hair. "I meant the other one," he added, and Aleks giggled. The kid Aleks, not -

"'The other one.' Is that all I am to you now?" The older and taller Aleks asked as he stepped into the room, a small smile on his face.

Little Aleks laughed.

"You know," Kevin remarked dryly. "When I said I was going to name my first son after you, I wasn't really counting on you being his other parent."

Both Aleks' snickered, but stopped abruptly when they heard what Kevin had to say next.

"So, from now on, I have a plan. Husband, you are henceforth going to be known as Aleks #1 and baby Aleks - "

"Hey, I'm not a baby! I'm four!"

"- You will be Aleks #2," Kevin finished, sounding almost proud.

Aleks - husband Aleks, Aleks #1 - looked at him with a confused and almost annoyed expression. "And we're not calling him Aleks Jr because...?"

Kevin paused only for a second before saying, "No, Aleks #1, this decision is final. Please go make dinner for Aleks #2."

"Yeah!" Aleks - baby Aleks, Aleks #2 - cheered enthusicastically.  "Dad #1 said to make me food!"

"What the heck?" Aleks had long since learned to watch his language. "How come you're Dad #1?!" Aleks asked, pretending to be outraged. "I'm older!"

Kevin only shrugged, looking immensely pleased and proud at this turn of events. "Aleks #2 knows what's up. He's very smart and very hungry," Kevin added, looking pointedly at Aleks #1, who promptly threw his hands in the air and walked out, heading in the direction of the kitchen.

Kevin only laughed, sending Aleks #2 after him. He knew his husband wasn't actually upset, and this sort of thing happened all the time, and neither him nor his husband would have it any other way.


I'm in love tbh

I'm too lazy to figure out how to link this properly but like

There's also like, a proper link to my tumblr on my profile here! My tag for ImmortalAnex is /gay-nerds ! ^.^

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