"Niall!! Niall! Where are you?? Niall!!" I cry begging for him at this very moment.

"Louis! Louis what's wrong!?" Niall shouts rushing down the stairs.

"Harry..Harry said he loved me." I sobbed running to his arms.

"Babe why are you crying? That's a good thing." He says holding me.

"Niall I was so mean to him... I said he was a good fuck and laughed in his face!" I cry even harder. "I told him that we were just to different and I quit."

"There there lad , come here sit down." He coos. "Just because of what happened in the past shouldn't keep you from things you want now."

"I can't Niall... I can't tell him what happened, he won't think of me the same." I choke out.

"Louis do you love him?" Niall questions dearly.

"Yes. Bu-"

"Louis you have to tell him. You have to tell him why you said all the things you said! And that you really don't mean them!" Niall says seriously.

"He probably won't even speak to me Ni, I messed up so bad." I whisper.

"Just tell him the truth Lou." He says hugging me. "It's gonna be alright."

"I hope." I breath out. "Niall why do you smell like weird cologne? And why is your shirt off?" I gape. "Niall!"

"Shit. I thought you'd be at work." He mumbles. "Liam he's fine come down." He yells.

"Liam!? Who the hell is Liam!" I laugh.

"Shh he's the guy from the club." Niall nudges me as he walks down stairs.

"Niall you devil." I whisper.

"Hey I'm Liam." The toned boy says introducing himself.

"I'm Louis." I smile. "How did you enjoy Niall?" I question smirking.

"Louis!" Niall gapes as Liam blushes.

"Hey I'm just joking you guys! You're quite cute together." I giggle.

"Whatever." Niall laughs sticking his tongue out at me.

Harry's (pov)

These past few hours have been rough for me. All I've done is cry,mope and cry some more. I've never got my heart or feelings shattered before but this is what if feels like. It sucks.

I could have gave Louis the world, I wanted to. I just don't understand what went wrong. Did I do something? Thinking all of this just makes me cry even harder but I can't help it. I can not sleep or eat.

11:30 at night rolls by and I manage to make it to my bed. Trying to fall asleep I fell asleep around 12:30ish I'd say, but was woke up by my phone.

Grabbing my phone to check who the hell was calling me at 2 in the morning my screen read Louis <3

Shit do I answer it?!

"Damn it" I curse myself.


Harry... Can we please talk?

Sure why not you sure had much to say at work today.

I'm sorry...i need to see you I have too...uhm talk to you about things. Please I'll do anything.

Why don't you just fuck off? You've done enough damage to me for one day.

*line ends....

Louis (pov)

He won't even talk to me! It's all my fault. I've caused him tears and pain and it's all my god damn fault. I can't help but cry right now because of what I've done I may never get speak to the person I love.

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