#35 - This is longgg

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10. Is it easy for this character to tell someone "no" when they don't want to do something?

        -Onity: Yes. He has total ability to say yes or no as he pleases. Though, as long as you aren't asking him to do anything difficult or harmful to others, he'd be pretty much down with anything. 

        -Tyler: Yes. Don't want to do it? He will say it. Won't hold back.

        -Mike: No. It's difficult to say no to people unless he really fucking hates them. And then he says sure but doesn't do it. 

11. If this character were to describe their own personality, how would they do it?

       -Onity: "My personality? Uhhh, well I think i'm pretty open, happy. Tyler calls me gay. In both senses of the word. I can't say he's wrong. He's not."

      -Tyler: "I don't know? I mean I know I can come off as hot headed but I like to think I'm pretty chill. I don't ever think about this. I dunno. Eh."  

     -Mike: "Haaaaaaaah. That's a funny question."

12. Is this character aware of their flaws?

      -Onity: Not entirely. 

      -Tyler: Yes. 

      -Mike: He's aware of his flaws but also thinks things are flaws that are not actually flaws.

13. How has this character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?

       -Onity: As a kid, Unity was much more cautious, and only opened up to those he trusted or liked. He was much more quite towards people he didn't know completely. He showed his negative emotions  much more but was also more forgiving as well. Though Onity continues to be very curious about everything, the kidnapping and living alone for years caused him to hold back his negative feelings so that he could preserve what happiness he found. 

        -Tyler: Tyler was pretty quiet as a kid, more observant then anything else. As he went through highschool and Rose moving away, he started having to stand up for himself more, in which he developed a more open and defensive personality. 

        -Mike: Was very quiet and kind as a kid, but mental abuse and bullies caused him to be very hot headed and conservative through middle and high school. Upon struggling alone in the real world and going through a terrible depression, he softened and became more open and calm. 

14. Who influenced this character's personality? Did they pick up any mannerisms or traits from someone?

       -Onity: His family, mainly his Mother. Onity picked up his selfishness from his mother, but also her love and value of family, which is a rare trait for Onis. Onity also picked up on the ability to keep collected and to himself from his brother Emaurri and from his father. Though the rest of his sassy and upbeat personality looks like he developed himself, Karma shares this when she grows older. It's possible these are traits that their father had before he loved their mother. 

      -Tyler: Tyler is influenced a lot by his sister Rose, as she was pretty much always around him as he grew up. After she left, he began acting more open like she almost always was. In turn, She picks up some of her stubbornness from him, which he showed signs of since he was little. 

     -Mike: Mike picked up a lot from Jeremy during the years they lived together and the months they dated. Jeremy helped Mike lose his hot-headedness, but in turn also helped grow Mike's insecurity. This was unintentional, Jeremy suffers some of this too. 

15. Does this character express affection? Are they comfortable doing so?

      -Onity: Yes! Literally expressing that he likes you all the time. Maybe a little too much? Sometimes you're not sure if he's making a joke or not. 

Headcanons of Onity and FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora