Oneshot! Kiss the cook! Phil!

Start from the beginning

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind and a chin resting in my shoulder.

"Was it Dan?" I asked Phil as he gave me a kiss in the cheek.

"Yep" Phil lowered his head and rested his lips against my neck, making me shiver. "He asked me to save him some cupcakes"

"Can't promise that" I joked, almost done stirring the mix.

Phil then left the tiniest cutest little kiss in my neck, and a chill travelled through my body.

"Phil..." I whined, visibly shivering. He knew the skin in my neck was extremely sensitive, and he liked to kiss it because I'd tilt my head to the side until it touched my shoulder when he did it. And he said I looked cute while doing it.

He giggled a bit, which made him even more adorable in my eyes.

"Is it ready for the oven?" Phil asked me, and I showed the bowl to him to hear his opinion.

He shrugged and nodded, taking the bowl from my hands. I took the opportunity to wash my hands since they felt sticky and dirty from the flour and the food coloring and all. Because of course, we needed food coloring and not plain boring and normal colored cupcakes.

He then started to put the final result in the cases, and I noticed something different in him.

"Are you wearing an apron?"

"Yeah!" He replied in an excited high-pitched voice.

Phil forgot about the cupcakes for a second and turned around to show me.

"Kiss the Cook?" I laughed when I watched the phrase that was on the blue apron.

Phil wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed, leaning in closer to give him a peck.

"That's cheating, Phil" I teased him, leaning an elbow on his shoulder as he got back to the cupcakes. "You can't wear that and expect me not to kiss you"

He laughed and looked at me for a brief moment.

"I know, it was my plan all along" He knitted his eyebrows together in concentration as he finished filling the cupcake cases.

He then proceeded to put the red rubber tray into the oven.

"How long will it take to bake?"

"Around twenty minutes" He mumbled, finally closing the oven and facing me.

"Aw, I want to eat them now" I complained, making a pouty face.

"Me too" Phil took his apron off and left it on the counter. "But we can dance meanwhile"

Newborn was playing then, which I knew was one of Phil's favorites. He then picked up my hand and started spinning me around as I laughed.

We began dancing, basically fooling around most of the time. But we had so much fun just being silly and goofy and spinning around while listening to Muse.


By the time Supremacy was on, Phil and I were sitting in the floor as we waited for the cupcakes to cook. I rested my head on his shoulder and he picked my hand up again and started a thumb war, making me smile again.

Just when I was winning, the beep of the oven told us the waiting was over so we took them out –accompanied by Phil's little victory tune- and prepared to decorate them once they cooled down.

I couldn't help myself and I picked one up and took a bite off of it even if it wasn't decorated yet.

"This is delicious, Phil! Look!" I shoved the cupcake into his mouth, laughing.

He ate it and hummed in delight.

"It is!" He exclaimed, making a cute face.

I giggled when I noticed his face was filled with flour.

"You have flour on your face, Phil" I told him as rubbed his cheek to clean the flour off.

He was smiling as he observed me, letting me clean his cheek.

"What?" I looked into his deep blue eyes and smiled as well when I noticed a twinkle in them.

"You have too, but you look adorable" He gave me a kiss in the nose and I blushed.

"Let's decorate them already" I mumbled as I tried to ignore Phil's glare. He was still smiling at me.

But to be honest, the decorating took a lot longer than it should have. We kept getting distracted by each other, laughing, kissing and singing.

We completely forgot about the cupcakes when I rubbed the black icing on his face, making it all dirty and laughing out loud. He then chased me around the house and when he caught me, our lips distracted us from the fact that some delicious cupcakes, decorated and all, were waiting for us.

Dan had some cupcakes when he arrived after all, he thought we saved them for him. He didn't have to know we just started goofying around and literally forgot to eat them.

I think NerdBeTrippin would like this. :)

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