Chapter 18

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           The best way out is always through. -Robert Frost

           Opening my eyes all I could see were bright lights until my eyes focused, then the bright green eyes that looked down at me in wonder. It was a calm moment knowing it had worked. Then I saw his face change to pain and he was seizing on the floor.

          The guard we knocked over ran into the room and tasered him. I sat up quickly to get to Grant but the blood was rushing to my head made me lean back for a second to calm the dizzy feeling. I promptly ripped out the IVs and tubes attached to me and jumped onto the floor next to Grant. Once he stopped seizing I grabbed him by the arms and with all the strength I had I pulled him away from the guard.

            "He just saved my life and you thank him by doing that? What the hell? Instead of checking on me, you decide the vampire who isn't hurting me should still be punished?" I'm so angry and confused by the events I can't stop yet. "Oh and mum, thanks for your lack of concern while I was in the dream. How could you? I don't even know who you are anymore and honestly, I don't want to!" My mother runs into the room hearing that last part and looks at me in disbelief. I look down to see I'm still crouched down next to Grant, ready to defend him.

            Grant looks at me like he's seen a ghost. "Snap out of it Grant, yes I would defend you, okay? You've done so much and I told you I'd help you."

          Shaking his head he looks me in the eyes "It's not that, it's what I felt when I kissed you that surprised me. It's never felt like that before. I've never seen anything like it." Did he say seen? What does that mean? Did my mind show him something it wasn't supposed to?

            He's still a bit dazed when my mother starts talking again. "Kat, I know you think you know him and he saved you but he really didn't do anything except manipulate you into doing what he wanted. He's trying his best to get you alone with him because he's hungry, not because he cares about you. After everything I've shown you, you should know better." She looks at me the way she used to when I was a kid; sweet, caring, motherly, nothing like I've seen in a few days.

           I shake my head. She's the one trying to manipulate me. This is all so confusing. I look back at Grant, who's now staring at my neck. "Grant, are you okay? What are you looking at?"

            The first thing I notice is his shallow breathing "Kat, you have to move away from me, this isn't something I can completely control right now. I'm doing my best but I don't want to hurt you and I really don't want your mum to by right about me." He's distracted by the hunger but he's still trying to be good, I can see it in his eyes. I get up and walk to the other side of the room. As soon as I get to the other side I see Grant physically relax out of the corner of my eye. Getting closer to my mum I can see that my coma took a toll on her; she looks exhausted for the first time. She makes her way to me and gives me a hug. I didn't know I needed it, but I held on for a long time. When I don't let go she whispers "You won't understand now, but one day you will, but for now know I'm sorry I've had to do this." I was about to tell her I'd never understand but I never got that chance.

              An alarm when off and my mum swore. She explains quickly that she was so worried about me, she must've forgotten about the other vampires in the quadrants. She hadn't realized that she never checked in with the other quadrants to make sure everything was still locked up and secure. In the amount of time that I was in my coma, my mother stayed close to where I was. She quickly clicks on her tablet she had and watches the security footage showing the Sokols quadrant overpowering the guards and are now running rampant in the lab. The alarm that was going off in the hospital wing was because they were close to the wing.

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