Chapter 14

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Insanely short chapter.. 

but yes 

I was still sitting i the hallway when my mother came home. I kept hearing Ashley call me a freak over and over again. She'd done it countless times in the past, but this time it felt different. Like she chose that word on purpose, knowing the damage it would do. She was my sister, after all, she knew where to poke a sharp stick. 

It seemed like moving was near impossible. I wsa so tired of all of this, and it was just starting. I didn't want to move from my spot, just let the world pass me by. No one would miss me much, and anyone that would was going to move on. I should have known better than to expect that my Mom would just leave me there to rot. She walked over to me, and pulled me into her, rubbing my back like I was an infant that needed to be soothed. I wanted to cry then, let it all out. But I couldn't. Boys don't cry.

"You know she didn't mean it, honey. She's just going through this phase. She didn't mean it." Her voice is like ice cream, sweet and smooth. It still makes the owie feel better. When she releases me, I push myself up off the floor and go back to my room, in a mildy comatose state. I flop on my bed, the idea of change schools jumps into my head. I hadn't thought it over much, my attatchment to Wendy was proving to be stronger than any fear I had.

Running away seemed like the worst thing for me to do. It was like I was admitting that there was something wrong with me, and I needed to hide it. Like I was ashamed and it was okay for poeple to push me around. That I'd just tuck tail and hide from all my problems.

I had never done that before, and I wasn't about to start that now. I would only make dealing with all of this shit worse, not to mention make me feel terrible about myself.  

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