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hello frens! today im going to nyc! im going to get some clothes and some icetea and walk around. im a little nerves about the crowds but besides that im excited. i live close so ive been many times before so i think ill be good. ENJOY THE UPDATE!

tw- gay slurs, trans slurs

dan was laying in bed, it was 3:00am and he couldn't get the blue eyed boy out of his head. why was he so obsessed with him? dan was in love with phil, but phil would never like someone like him. fat and ugly. phil was pretty, delicate and skinny. dan wasn't. dan would be pretty for phil. no matter what it took. 

the next day dan had nothing to do, he had no friends besides phil. dan decided to text phil and ask to meet up.

dan: hi phil! wanna meet up at the coffee shop?

after five minutes passed, phil texted back.

phil: sure. 

usually phil would text back more, send a few cute emojis or even a selfie. what was up with him?




dan sat at there usual spot in the back of the cafe, waiting for phil to come in. 

after ten minutes phil walked in, with a slightly bruised eye and a cut lip. 

"phil! what happened?" dan asked wanting to kill whoever did this. "no one dan... it doesn't matter" phil said as he sat down, dan noticed how he had no feminine clothes on and his nail polish was taken off. "phil you can tell me, your my best friend. you can trust me" dan said grabbing phils hand in his. 

phil sighed "i was at my apartment last night, listening to music and cleaning my room up. the music was too loud and i couldn't here that someone came into my apartment." dan squeezed phils hand a little as if to tell his he was there for him. 

phils pov

"i had just got off facetime with you,  all of a sudden the door swung open and my dad was there. he was drunk and had a beer bottle in his hand. the look in this eyes it was scary. i was wearing a skirt and a flower crown, he obviously didn't like that." phil sniffed as tears fell down his face. 

"he started yelling things at me, like 'oh didnt know you where a tranny' 'your a faggot and no one will ever love you' 'its your fault your moms dead' and many more. before i knew what was happening he started punching me and kicking me. after that i cant remember what happened". 

phil coughed a sob as dan moved next to him and engulfed him in a hug. "im so sorry phil, you dont deserve that. you are such a beautiful, nice, and all around wonderful human being. you should wear whatever you want to wear, and frankly i think you look pretty cute in skirts" dan said regretting the last part, what the fuck dan? he doesnt like you that way. "really?" phil giggled. and damn  was it the cutest thing ever. 

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