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trigger warning- possible eating disorder or anxiety or self harm tendencies 

breath. he told himself as he sat on the floor of the cubical. breath. he told himself again trying to calm himself down. he sat for another 5 minutes focusing on his breathing. once he was okay he stood up and walked to the sink. he washed the dry tears off his face and stared at himself.

"ugly" he scolded as he looked in the mirror.

another panic attack. phil got these a lot. as a kid phil was always anxious but as he got older it had gotten really bad. he was just sitting having a coffee at the coffee shop he went to everyday and it happened. he didn't know what had triggered it but i just happened.

once he was done he walked back out and sat down in his regular spot in the back. he was about to put his ear buds in when he heard the door open. not many people came in here that often. a very skinny boy with brown hair and matching eyes walked in and walked up to the menu on the wall. phil thought he was the prettiest boy he bad ever seen. he wished he has the guts to go up and talk to him but he didn't.

phil just sat there with his sweater paws, 1975, and just stole glances at him whenever he could.

sad boys - phanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum