Chapter 12

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Hey my lovelies sorry I haven't updated lately. :/ but I am updating now so 'Yay!!' lol well I hope you like chapter 12!! :D

well go on read chapter 12 ;D -Jay

Chapter 12

Kris p.o.v.

I still haven’t told Lex. I want to tell her, it’s just I don’t know how. When she said she was having an urgent meeting after lunch, I knew I would have to tell her after the meeting. I kept thinking of ways to tell her and how I should tell her. “After the meeting just tell her you want to tell her how and why you got here.” Said my wolf, Marcy, with annoyance in her voice. “I know it’s just I don’t know how I will explain it to her.” I say back to her with anger in my voice. “Just explain it to her like you were to tell a story. Just say one evening. It’s not that hard to explain things to OUR best friend that we have known since birth. She will understand us. Trust me.” she said in a calm voice. “Calm down everything is going to be alright.” She said sweetly and calm. I breathed in and out to calm my nervousness. Lex noticed this and linked me saying “Are you alright you seem anxious or giddy?” “Yeah I fine. I need to speak with you after the meeting.” I said to her with a calm voice. She looked at me a raised an eyebrow, after a moment she mind linked saying “About what?” I sighed and said “I need to tell you why I had to come to your pack and when it happened.” I said with a sad smile. “Okay. Is it alright that my mom can tag along? I know that she has always been like a second mother to you.” She said with a confused look but also a sad smile. “Yeah sure I don’t mind.” I said with a smile. Man I hope the meeting takes a while so I have time to think. After lunch most of the pack members went to the meeting room. When everyone was sitting and quiet, Lex began the meeting. “Okay as you have probably heard I had a meeting with the Alpha and his other commands of Blood-Red pack about the recent rouge attacks, am I correct?” Lex asked the pack members. I heard many murmurs of ‘yeses’ and ‘yeahs’. “Well I talked with the Alpha and he had a spy to check and see if the rouges were collaborating with the hunters. When he got news back it was true that they are combining forces.” Lex said patiently waiting for the now loud room to get quiet. I noticed that she raised my hand to show that she was going to speak again. “So Alpha Jered and I have decided that we were going to join packs, so that we can be invincible.” she said extremely calm. I heard many ‘Are you serious?!’ and other things that are bad to repeat. “SILENT!” she boomed, which made many of the others jump in shock. “Now, I will take individual questions.” She said breathing a couple of times to calm her nerves. Lately I noticed that she has been really easy to set off. She is like a bomb ready to explode. I bet that she hasn’t gotten any sleep because of all the patrols and late-nights in the office she has been doing. “Not to make you upset Alpha but when was the last time you got a good night sleep?” I asked her through a private link. I look at her face to see she is looking around the room to see where I was. “The last time I got a good night sleep without having to worry about Alpha duties and crying babies, would have to be around a month ago. I have been having problems sleeping and it is getting me and my wolf upset that we can’t think straight. I love my kids and the pack, it’s just it’s been causing a lot of stress on me.” she said to me within a matter of seconds. I look around the room to see many hands raised wanting to ask the Alpha a question. “Now before you ask me any questions I assure you that we are going to be safe and we are going to get a house big enough to fit ALL of us.” She said with a stern voice. After she said that many hands went down but some stayed up. “Miranda what is your question?” the alpha asked a girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She stood and said “What if we find our mates in the other pack?” “It is up to you and your mate of which pack you want to be in.” Lex said almost instantly, like she knew someone was going to ask that question. After she said ‘okay’ and sat down, Lex choose on another person. After several more questions that got answers, the meeting was finally over. But before Lex dismissed the pack she told us that she would tell the pack when the moving day would be. When everyone left I suddenly got nervous. I looked around to see that Lex wasn’t in here. That’s when I caught her scent a long with Lex’s mom’s scent at the doorway. “Can we speak somewhere else?” I asked with my voice cracking at the end. “Of course sweetie. Let’s go to the alpha’s office.” Said Mrs. Parker. The three of us walked to the office where Lex shut the door behind her. I thought ‘Oh crap. I don’t know if I can do it.’ But it was too late to turn back now. Well here I go.

Lex p.o.v.

When we entered my office I noticed that kris was nervous, like really nervous. “Calm down it’s okay. You can trust us. No need to be nervous.” I said sweet and soft to calm her some. I saw her tense jaw loosen up a bit. When she spoke, she told us everything from her pack getting attacked. To her mother, father, and sister getting attack. Then to the part where she ran, ran away to survive. During her confession she cried on my mother’s shoulder. When she was done there was a long moment of silence. I was about to speak, when I got a knock on my door. I heard Kris gasp but I don’t know why. So I went and opened the door. When I opened the door I heard Kris gasp once more. I decided to turn to see what she was gasping about. When I turned I saw why she was gasping my question was ‘how did she survive?’ I then heard my mom say through the link ‘Oh shit.’ At that point I was thinking the same thing. Oh poo.

Cam p.o.v.

When Ashton, Jamie, and I started to patrol the area, we got a rouges scent. I tried communicate with Lex but she was blocking me out for some reason. We started to follow the scent to see it was going to the pack house. That’s when I started to freak out. Jamie and Ashton must have been thinking the same thing because we all ran to the pack house. When we got there we saw that the warriors that were outside had already got hold of the rouge. “She is turning herself in. she said that she wanted to speak with our alpha. when we tried contacting Lex all we got was her walls. But the rouge said that she knows Lex, she said that they are old friends.” Said the warrior to me through mindlink I turned back to human and got clothed. “Who are you and how do you know our alpha?” I said with a stern voice. When the rouge didn’t speak I thought she did not hear me, so I repeated myself. “How do you know our alpha?” I said raising my voice. Then she finally talked but a real quiet voice. “I need to see your Alpha.” when I heard her voice it sounded extremely familiar, but I couldn’t put a finger on it. “Fine. But if you threaten our pack in any way I will not hesitate to kill you.” I said with an intimating voice. When I said that, the girl flinched but kept her head down. I told the warriors to keep a guard around her so she doesn’t do anything stupid, but also to make sure she doesn’t attack anyone. “Come on now.” I said with a stern voice. I walked to the alpha’s office with the warriors and the rouge behind me. When I got to the door I heard whispers but also a gasp. When I knocked on the door I moved out of the way so that Lex will see the rouge. When Lex opened the door, I heard another gasp. Lex turned to see the rouge, when I hear my mom say ‘oh shit’ through mindlink. I thought why ‘would she being saying that?’ The rouge finally looked up, but with sad eyes. She looked exactly at Kris. Then next thing that happened scared the shit out of me, and I knew why mom said ‘oh shit.’ The rouge, who was still looking at Kris, said “Nice to see you are still alive, sis.”

Sorry it's a little short :/ but I hope you liked it! comment & vote of what you think of this lovely chapter, yeah? I will update soon my lovelies. again hope you liked it! :)



Vote!!! :)

talk to you later my lovelies! :) -Jay

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