chapter eighteen

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Hey my lovelies sorry i was taking so long to update but i wanted this chapter to be long. by the way.... MERRY CHRISTMAS! i hope you guys have a happy holiday! hope you like this chapter.. well here is the next chapter! -Jay

Chapter 18

Narrator p.o.v.

It has been two days since Peter, Lex’s ex mate, died. Lex has been sleeping through the pain for two whole days and her pack Is starting to get worried. Especially when they are moving in 3 days about to be 2.

Peter p.o.v.

When I opened my eyes everything was dark and pitch black. I must’ve been walking around for hours, until I came upon a glowing, white sphere. It was starting to get closer to me, when it turned into a woman. She was wearing a white dress and she had brown lower back length hair, she started walking towards me until she was in front of me. when she was in front of me, looking into my eyes she said with an angelic voice, “Do you know who I am?” “I think so. Are you the Moon goddess?” I asked with unsureness in my voice. “Yes I am. Now I want to get straight to the point with you. You are dead, you know that right?” she said with a stern voice. “Yes ma’am I know.” I said looking down, ashamed. “Well did you know an Alpha bond is extremely strong?” she asked with a questionable tone. When she said that my head shot up and I said or more like screamed “What?!” “Yes, it is extremely strong. And since your mate is also an Alpha like you, she is having a pretty hard time.” She said, then the scene changed to one in a white room. When I looked around, I noticed it is a pack hospital room and there was a girl on a table. When I looked closer I notice it was my mate, the moon goddess did a hand gesture and sound started to come to my ears. Painful screams filled my ears, also painful cries and whimpers. “What is happening to her?!” I screamed, trying to grab her arm. “You can try but she won’t feel your touch. And to answer your question, she is in pain because you died and you still have a bond. I can always break the bond and give her a new mate though.” She said looking unsure at me. “Is there any way to bring me back to life?” I asked her. “No and even if there was you are buried 6 feet underground.” She said with sass. “Sorry that was a silly question. I-is there a person who will love her just as much as I love her?” I said while looking down at my… ex mate. “Yes there is, he got rejected years ago from his mate. Which she ended up going crazy and killing herself without being with him. The reason he didn’t feel her die is because he didn’t have a powerful bond with her. I have been looking over him, he is sweet and he adores Lex.” She said with a sad smile. “What if I don’t break the bond?” I said while brushing my fingers on Lex’s arm. “She will die because the pain will consume her body.” The Moon Goddess with a frown looking at me. “Well break the bond and give her a new mate. I wanted her to be happy, even if it’s not with me.” I said letting a tear slip down my face. “I just wish her the best. Tell her that for me will ya?” I asked the Moon Goddess. “Of course. Rest in peace my dear Alpha.” she said then tapped my head. And with that everything blacked out. I was dead, but I will always love my mate.

Lex p.o.v.

All I remember is constantly screaming and crying because the pain was… well painful. I also remember someone holding my hand during the whole thing. Cam left the room days ago, not wanting to see me in pain. My pack is probably worried for me, and scared if I will ever get better. “Of course you will get better my child.” Said a woman’s voice. “W-h.” that was all I could say because the pain wouldn’t let me mind link the person. “Don’t worry my child you are going to be alright. Peter wishes the best for you. He past away a couple of days ago. He wants the best for you. I am going to give you a new chance with someone, but also take away the pain. Is that okay with you?” said the moon goddess, I am guessing. “Y-y-yes p-p-please.” I said while crying in my mind, my body on the other hand was screaming and crying trying to get rest. Just then the pain stopped. My screaming and crying died down. “P-peter is dead?” said Sparrow. “Yes I am sorry for your lose Sparrow, but you are going to get a mate that already loves you for you guys.” The Moon Goddess said to both Sparrow and me. “Thank you.” Sparrow and I said quietly. “Now get some rest, you are going to need it.”

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