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My hands shaking, knees trembling when I press call. Riley dialing appears on my screen. The adrenaline rush shocks my body as I tell her the argument between me and Hudson.

"Oh my word, don't even lie!?!", she exclaims.

"Well good for you,I'm glad that you told him how you feel, but do you really want to lose him... I mean everything between you two was pretty perfect", she said clearly.

"What the fudge?", I thought to myself.

"But let's just remember he was the one that cheated on me", I said sassy.

"Yeah I know but you still like him... Even if you don't want to admit it he's your soul mate and we all know it", she said.

"That word... Soul mates sunk in. For heaven sake people we are not soul mates I don't know why they keep on telling me", I thought hard but was soon interrupted my my thoughts. ,

"Umm Ella, I go to go ahh eat supper", she said hesitantly.

"Ok, bye", I said suspiciously.

The call was ended like that... Just like my faith in her.

Ok well maybe I'm overreacting but Riley never acts weird with me. We have a strict no secrets policy that we have followed since we were little kids. I hope she not getting up to mischief without me. When it comes to friends I'm just really overprotective over them... I guess I just don't what to go through the pain and hurt when they leave you.

All of a sudden a major headache stocks my body. Know when I say major I mean hectic it caused me to stop thinking and roll onto my bed in absolute agony. The past couple of months I've been getting hectic headaches and I'm not sure why. I've just pushed it to the back of my mind but know I'm pretty sure this isn't normal, right?

I tried calling Riley but tears just start rushing out of my eyes. The pain increases and know I'm lying on the floor in so much agony I don't know what to do with myself. Everything starts to spin and all I can remember is my mom giving me medicine and then passing out.

I wake up in utter confusion. My brother sitting by my side doing something on his phone. What happened and why is he here? Was the first thing I said.

"Mom, she is awake", James shouted.

The footsteps of my mom running up the stairs urged me to sit up.

"Mom what happened?", I ask immediately waiting for her to reply.

"Oh my darling, I'm so glad you are ok.. You had one of those major headaches again and passed out for a bit that's why James was sitting hear in case you needed to go to the hospital", she explained "But your ok, right?", she asked concerned.

"Yeah mom I feel fine, actually", I told her causing her to relax instantly.

  "Ok well we will leave you to rest, shout if you need anything", she said while  closing the door.

My memory floods back and then I remember how shady Riley was on the phone. "Hmm", I thought to myself. Maybe I should go to her house and check things out. I feel fine and I mean her house is just down the road. The only thing that was in my way was my mom. She would never let me out of the house when being 'sick' but I'm fine so I decided to grab my phone and sneak out. 

I escape the house and realize it's only  6:45pm and the sun is still shining so I start walking. I reach her house and then  a small headache comes creeping back taking over my brain. But I decided not to concentrate on it right know, I've got better things to worry about.

I sneak into her back garden and thankfully her bedroom looks over a hedge. I try my hardest not to make a noise as i jump into the hedge landing hard on my bum. I hear noises and quickly calm myself down.

"Thanks for letting me come at such short notice". " oh and btw the dinner was delicious".

"Oh no it's so chilled.. Your welcome anytime".

"So what did you need advice for".

" Well of course Ella, but since she is out of the way maybe we could consider.. You know".

Then I realize its Hudson and Riley and he's cheating on me ... With her!.
What is happened? I can't believe I'm hearing this! Anger, confusion,pain and sadness all rush through my body. I don't know what's happening maybe it's just a misunderstanding. Hell no this is crazy! I literally can't even think not because of this situation but my head is pounding. I stumble of of the hedge and curl up on the ground, aching in pain. My head is so sore I instantly go dizzy and with the earth spinning underneath me,my first instinct is to run home but my legs will never get me there. I screech in agony the I hear faint noises. People touching, shouting and asking me questions but the only thing I can do is face the pain and before I know it everything turns black.

The last thing I can remember is the flashing ambulance lights.

Thank guys so much for reading I really appreciate it. The next chapter will be up on the weekend. Please vote, comment and share the book. I would really want to know what you guys think. Hope you enjoyed it xxxM

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